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North Devon Sea Fishing...

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I'm no fisherman, but I hear lots of talk about Crow Point and Fremmington Quay locally :yes:


There used to be a good tackle shop in Castle St Barnstaple; I'm not even sure if it's still there.


I'll ask around this week if I get chance :thumbs:


Where are you staying? PM if you like :yes:

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Ilfracombe pier can produce,

Water mouth just around the corner is pretty good off the rocks, pollack, mackerel chance if bass..

Woolacoombe off the beach at night, or the rocks on the right hand side as you look out to sea.. Chance of rays and bass..

Westward ho! On the rocks can be good ( not fished here but heard good reports)..


Peeler crabs the bait for bass mate, spin with jellies, Sandeel imatations or a frozen eel bound on the hook with elastic ( the eel spun slowly over the rocks can work well for pollack).

My parents had a pub in Coombe Martin for 12 years so I fished around there a bit..


There an fishing shop in Ilfracombe ask in there and he'll give you up to date advice...

The best fishing is usually after dark or very early morning... Paticulary the bass fishing


Good luck..

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You can mate, it's luck of the draw.. You will lose a bit if gear but if you find the sandy patches you've a chance of fish..

If you bottom fish rocky areas normally it's the same, rotten bottoms, I'd fish a pennel pulley rig with crab as bait... Once you've got the rig off the bottom keep reeling with the rod held high...

The pulley rig helps to hook fish and the pulls the lead off the bottom when you're playing a fish.. Dead easy to tie, if not you can buy ready mades.. After dark there's some big Huss caught along there, doggies.. And conger..

My old man ( doesn't fish a lot) came one night off the rocks at Woolacoombe... Had a decent conger around 20lb fishing fir bass.. Had the head out if the water but bit through as we were about to land it..


Very fast tides up there mate, 6oz leads minimum and definitely grip wires, if not you'll hit the sand and it'll roll into the nearest snag..


Cleaner ground off of the pier, and there's a big flat rock you can fish off of ( think it's called capstone rock) beside the pier.. Ask in the shop.. There's been some good fish landed off of it over the years..


Good luck

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Could do mate, just give it a try, all sorts can be caught off the pier..

Fish with Sandeel or mackerel after dark for doggies and Huss..


Just get out and give it a go.. Speak to the bloke in the shop mate, he'll point you in the right direction..

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