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How Many Rabbits Can You Shoot In 1 Minute?

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This happened Thursday night.

The night started off bad, dropped my rifle off the bed onto the floor before I left! My BSA scorpion was in its padded Bsa holdall but still I thought it might affect the zero and it did by about an inch up.


Then I took ages resetting the zero because the cattle in the fields seemed intrigued by the sound of the pellet hitting my cardboard target :-(


Next I kept spooking the rabbits, the floor was damp and my boots were squidging on the mud.


After an hour and a half of pissing around with the zero, avoiding cattle and then spooking all the bunnies, I thought I'd give it one last stalk to a rabbit I could see at the far end of the last field. I got to 40 yards and lay down to take the shot off of the bipod. As I looked down the pulsar challenger night vision monocular with the n1000 laser on the second lowest setting, and aimed for the killzone, but the rabbit spooked to the left. Oh no, I followed it and squeaked, no it wouldn't stop, but then I saw its mate feeding. At 40 yards I took aim, perfect headshot. Then scanning to the left, I saw the spooky rabbit which had stopped after hearing the sound of the 177 heavy jsb exact hitting home, allowing me to take the second shot very quickly afterwards. Giving enough holdover to account for the longer distance. I gave it the same holdover I would for a 45yard target and it hit the spot. As that pellet hit the spot, some glowing rabbit eyes appeared behind the fence 60 yards away and started running. I followed it left along the fence line and to my amazement, there was another rabbit my side of the fence, this time closer to 35 yards. I rested the crosshair just under the ear, pop down goes the third! Bear in mind these three were dropped within 30 seconds or so, couldn't believe how my night had turned around.


Up I got and shone my torch on the carnage before me. Bloody hell, I was astonished yet again that there was a little one literally feeding beside me the whole time which bolted to the fence line. I ran to 30 yards away, not expecting it to still be there, i turned on the night vision and there it was. I took a kneeling headshot and that one won't be troubling the farmer from now on.


So 4 rabbits in succession is my record and within a minute as well. Couldn't believe it.


Edited by danco1987
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Nice going mate perfect end to what could have been a crap session. I went out this morning and just managed the one rabbit and a woodie. Would have been 6 rabbits but for some reason, even though the gun was on zero I couldn't seem to hit the side of a barn.

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Well done , its great when everything falls into place like that, Its happened to me only once, bigmac97kt will comfirm it - 4 good rabbits taken within 30 seconds all within 10ft of each other at 40yrds, then i missed a long shot at 70yrds, gives you such a buzz !

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