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Another Injured Doe

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Over the last few weeks I've only managed to get a few does all from high seats so their was no write up , you can only say I shot this from a seat so often ! but tonight whilst getting to the seat I spotted a small group of about a dozen does & fawns at the bottom of a field I was making for .I could see just their heads over the crest of the field , going left to right , as I watched them it was clear the last one in the line was in trouble .As she walked her head (all I could see of her) was moving in a circular motion ,obviously lame ,I got down flat & crawled forward to a mound about 40 m in front of me ,covered in old bracken it would give me the height & cover to view the field & hopefully a chance to sort out the doe , having made the mound with out being spotted , soaking wet I watched the does settle in the middle of the field ,6 or 7 were laying down , the rest stood in a fairly tight group amongst them was what looked like a yearling standing on three legs ....it was several very cold wet minutes before she was clear , more down to the others moving than her , but the little she did move it was painfully obvious she was in big trouble , the 6.5 covered the 183 m to the target in the blink of an eye & she dropped... the back leg was smashed to pieces & she must have been in severe pain ...one for the dogs not the chiller ..cleared up & in a seat several more deer moved through the field in the evening but nothing that I was able to add to the cull ...tomorrow's another day ..





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