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Internet group brag of fox killing


Solihull Fox Hunters boast of killing one fox. (s)



Emily Cole


30 August 2007

A SOLIHULL group promoting fox hunting and killing on international networking website Facebook has been slammed by the RSPCA and the League Against Cruel Sports - The Observer can exclusively reveal.

The discussion group Solihull Fox Hunters was created by James Parker and has nearly 60 members, including 21-year-old Matt Potter who is listed as Chief Fox Killer.

The website - which was uncovered by reporter Emily Cole - has a section called Recent News which applauds Mr Potter for achieving the 'first confirmed kill' and a shows a discussion called 'How many foxes have you killed?' which invites members to share their experiences.

In the text Potter describes how killing a fox gave him a sense of satisfaction and states his intention to place footage of the killing on YouTube.

He wrote: "The fox died humanely although the squirrel I shot moments afterwards did not.

"Parker this is a genious club and I am proud to say I am a member - death to the fox."

Mr Potter ignored efforts to contact him, but within hours of an e-mail sent by The Observer, his comments and those of James Parker had been removed from the site.

A description of the group is provided on the site which says Solihull Fox Hunters is a place "where like minded fox hunters in the Solihull area can share their past experiences of the hunt and where further hunts can be planned away from the eyes of the secret government agencies headed by Tony Blair trying to stop the age-old tradition of fox hunting."

Member Paul Holdsworth initially ridicules the tradition of fox hunting before adding his support for killing foxes.

He wrote: "I suggest a machine gun would be more effective and fun."

Meanwhile fellow member Jordan Philips questions whether a Solihull Pigeon Hunters club exists before proclaiming "Linch the fox."

The site has come under fire from both the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS) and the RSPCA.

A spokesperson for the LACS said: "It is terribly disturbing when material like this is posted on the internet. It reveals the damaged state of mind of those who gain enjoyment from harming animals."

Meanwhile the RSPCA said it would be investigating further and would be contacting Facebook regarding its obvious issues and concerns.

"Fox hunting is illegal and shooting foxes is cruel," it added.

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Something we don't need but on the other hand a quote from my local free anti rag this evening has got me perplexed. A letter from the ARSEpca about tail docking and the law, the letter ends..." The society believes that a total ban, such as that introduced in Scotland, should be brought in and that docking should be permitted only after the tail has suffered serious injury or disease". :wallbash:


A bit late don't you think to save the animal from pain and distress! :censored: Surely prevention is better.....

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i think the comments are foolish....but none of my friends had heard of pest control or gamekeeping etc..........they all thaught it was cruel...........many a debate later and they actively participate, question me in a good way and promote the sport positively to others as well as backing me up when i get involved in an argument in the pub again for the 2nd time that week............there should be more accesible but well written literiture on the web and in media to promote the fieldsports to the people before they have made their mind up

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Meanwhile the RSPCA said it would be investigating further and would be contacting Facebook regarding its obvious issues and concerns.

"Fox hunting is illegal and shooting foxes is cruel," it added.


Funny how they supported shooting as a preferred alternative to hunting with hounds when supporting the ban!



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