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Rspca Scum Of The Earth

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Thats terrible...


I hope your mate gets some justice....


Ten months in kennels bit they were going stir crazy...


RSPCA in there own eyes are doing right, how misguided they are... Its about time Someone done a under cover opp on them..


BBC - Channel 4 - National press..


That would be some can of worms !!!!



Think there is a web site that helps people who have had problems with RSPCA...


Think there was a lad on here that filmed them harrassing him outside his property.. Was it Big Fish ??


Best of luck, to your pal Lucky :victory:

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The RSPCA are the biggest set of c**ts on the earth, they took my mates dogs with the police last September for suspicion of badger digging, which was a load of bullshit. Anyway they took 6 terriers

Take the twats to the cleaners ask to see you local mp. Chief constable. Local papers write to the CA Dont let this go mate Freedom of information act works both ways ask to see all records the

is it worth getting the solicitor to write a letter to them asking for the specifics of the how the animal in their care happened to die? could it be worth trying to get compensation? You hear of them

Thats terrible...


I hope your mate gets some justice....


Ten months in kennels bit they were going stir crazy...


RSPCA in there own eyes are doing right, how misguided they are... Its about time Someone done a under cover opp on them..


BBC - Channel 4 - National press..


That would be some can of worms !!!!



Think there is a web site that helps people who have had problems with RSPCA...


Think there was a lad on here that filmed them harrassing him outside his property.. Was it Big Fish ??


Best of luck, to your pal Lucky :victory:


I bet you could get them to say some right stuff when they thought they were in safe company. I have always thought how I would like to have a go at working 'under cover' at the ArsePCA if not working was ever an option for me. With the power of social media being what it is all you should need is the right material and you could hurt them pretty badly.

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Well they have done enough in many circles...


What was that old serisis in the 80/90 when that man bust everything from Arabs importing BOPS to Fake clothes??


He done a few animal ones terriers - strong dog too..


Had to leave the country everyone wanted to kill him...

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Well they have done enough in many circles...


What was that old serisis in the 80/90 when that man bust everything from Arabs importing BOPS to Fake clothes??


He done a few animal ones terriers - strong dog too..


Had to leave the country everyone wanted to kill him...


the cook report?


To be fair probably unlikely that a mainstream TV station would want to go up against them. Better a handful of unemployed lads (looking to bolster their CVs with some volunteer work). Just searched ebay you can get camera pens for 15 quid... I may look into what qualifications you need to get them to take you on... Got me thinking now.. :laugh:

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That was it Rodger Cook !!!


I recon them would take anyone really...


Its like bursting into a SAB ring you would just have to wear some dodgy gear, stink have a nose ring and smoke rollies...


I recon they would do it.. They have done Private care - NHS - Security - Football riging - Football Violence you name it..


They even had folk to get that BNP fella cant remember his name either..

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My mate had same thing, you probably saw it on country file. They charged him with nothing kept his dogs for a year, my mate didn't want the agg and left it.


I told him to go to national press, I would have made them pay!


the way they treated him and his wife was criminal and they wasted 200 odd grand and got nothing.


I hate them and tell them as much every time we meet!

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