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Hw100Kt Swap To Bsa R10

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i say the r-10s the better gun ! although i still like the hw100 and almost bought one last week ive shot both and love the r-10 so i would say R-10 all the way :thumbs:

So why is it the better gun ?




i say the r-10s the better gun ! although i still like the hw100 and almost bought one last week ive shot both and love the r-10 so i would say R-10 all the way :thumbs:

So why is it the better gun ?


i just as accurate ! if not more accurate (people gonna hate me for saying that) it better balanced better feel but thats like somthing each person likes some might like the hw100's feel some may like the r-10's like me, and i must say ive got the r-10 vc with the new regulator, and why dose it need to go to get tuned ? my mates have a air ranger,an s410, and a mfr theoben the s410 is always out the comp but my r10 can do one hole groupings exactly the same as the rapid and air ranger at what ever range you like out to 70m i cant or my mates cant shoot any further than that, i can put 10 pellets through one pellets hole how can you get better than that !! and i find the build quality on the r-10 very good, great looking gun to go with all of that can you get any better ? (btw this is what I like about the r-10 i find alot better so ive tried t explain how i see things !!! :no:

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I wouldn't swap my HW100KT for a box full of R10's

suppose there is no right and wrongs, only personal preferences. im on my 4th 100, and I've all sorts in between but always go back to the 100. i seem to use the hw as a yard stick to measure other r

Just think what he could do with a Springer..................

I think both rifles are very nice and extremely accurate.


I'm not sure if they could shoot 1 hole groups at 70 yards or not (maybe they can) but I've never met anyone with that skill to prove either can or not. 1 hole groups at 70 yards is staggering, probably bordering on world class and there is only probably a handful of shooters in the world that could regularly achieve that sort of group and even them i think would be shot indoors as the elements would I'm sure effect the trajectory of the pellet outside enough to knock the pellet slightly off course to make the pellet fall outside the hole 70 yards down range.


I would say that i could maybe get 3 shots under a inch in perfect conditions at that range, maybe a little better i dont know.


I think its down to peoples individual likes of look and feel of the rifle that sways them one way or another.


I think the magazine system of the HW100 beats the BSA one hands down. Even the new magazine on the BSAs is pretty pellet fussy bordering on annoying.

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