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just for [NO TEXT TALK] that don't know the full reason for all this blarney between Banner Man and Gorger, it started when banner man crossed his bitch with Gorgers dog Lucas, a few weeks after banner man covered his bitch I rang gorger to enquire about the mating for I was excited about these pups because I had seen banner mans bitch run on number of occasions and she ran well, plus with all I heard about Lucas from banner man, at the time to banner mans knowledge from what he had heard, Lucas was a very good dog...so when I rang gorger about the mating he was by no means shy in crabbing banner mans bitch,by he's own words, she has no stamina, she,d be no good, bad breeding and that the pups would be a waste of time, and if I was looking to buy a proper pup by Lucas I should wait until 1 of his bitchs have pups and buy 1 off him. So I ask to all readers that read this to give your honest opinion, is it fair or proper conduct for a man to take 400 euros for a stud fee and then go behind his back and condemn his bitch, now to be fare to all parties involved, gorger is entitled to his opinion about dogs the same as anybody else, but if he honestly believed banner mans bitch wasn't good enough why did he line her with Lucas and take banner mans money???????????. Just ask yourself 1 question, if it was YOU that covered your bitch to any dog let alone Lucas and paid your stud fee on the spot only to hear that the owner of the dog was crabbing your bitch without ever seen her run, how would feel about it.........lads there no lies been spoken here, every word is true

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too many worry about gorger and lucas just crack on with whats in your own kennels all this shite wont make your dogs run better. you get out what you put in. if your dogs arnt doing there job you nee

iv told no lies from day 1 iv tryed to be as honest as i could be i never seen any pics, why would i use a mans dog on my bitch and then run the dog down that wouldnt make much sence??, plus this top

He lined the Forley winner , The Crow bitch from down my way with Lucas . The owner of the bitch, G.L, said he's a top lad.   If Gorger had come on the internet slagging off the bitch I thin

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yes got 1 from banner man, maybe should have put better title :blink: lol

so did you get a pup and im lost with the title of the topic

are you on here often or did you just pop in for the craic

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