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In Or Out

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Ive hade a few dogs and kept some in and some out never made any difference to there hunting ability! The only thing i would say is some times if there kept in the house there not so keen to go out if its pissing down and cold and windy where as if there outside they are always keen to get out !!!

Edited by BrianSteven72
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Mine are all out as with the kids running about the house it just wouldnt be fair on either. Makes not one bit of diffrence IMO if anything theres a better bond with the dog ect, But outdoor dogs tend too have a better coat on thems as aposed too indoor dogs with the central heating ect.



So NO it matters not if its out or in. It will be what it will be

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It makes no difference at all. My bitch has got a bed in the house and a kennel and picks and chooses. Also whatever is convenient for me. If I'm working long hours or away for the night she will kennel fine. When I'm home she's inside.


The only physical difference will be a better coat if kept outside.

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alot of people say if you keep yuor dog inside it affects them. And if theyre out they are real working lurchers. I have a 4 month old pup and i keep it in the kitchen, its fine, house trained and well being. who else keeps them inside or out and whats your opinions

Utter shit that!!!! We've moved to new place and at the minute mine's inside and they are "real working lurchers" won't be any better or worse for being outside!!! Best dog I ever had was kennelled all his working life (spent last two years inside) and he'da been every bit the dog he was if I'da kept him inside.Once the kennels are up and done tho they'll be outside and I'm not expecting them to improve any for it. Been lots of threads like this in the past. Take care. :thumbs:

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mine are out side, got heat lamp(red bulb) when its cold, and they have there(own) kennel+ runs .Dont know if it makes any differnce regards working, but didnt want the smell+ dog hair all over house. Had dogs in before , but not no more.!

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For me I keep my dogs outside they were inside for a while but I soon began too find that if they done some thing wrong in the house my temper would flare I would become frustrated with them and that temper would affect there willing too work as well last straw for me was when one of my dogs ripped apart a kitchen and I lost the plot and hit it it took along time too rebuild the trust with that dog nearly a full season I've found if the dogs are outside they all have there own space no fighting between any of them or me so for me out side till retiring age then infront of the fire but I say all this if one of my dogs was not well it would be straight in the house so u have too chose ur self what u prefer

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Both my lurcher (11 months) and my terrier pup (4 months) are kept inside both sleep in the kitchen in a crate that's always left open so they have free roam, as soon as the kennel is built the terrier will be outside. my lurcher isn't what you would call a " working lurcher " at the moment but I don't think her being inside or outside would effect her future working ability, if it was up to me tho and not the fact my misses is soft they would both be outside

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