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thing that gets me is that if us white scum say PAKI, we're racist. But we still get called BRITS





is abbreviating words classed as racist?


I could natter all day on this subject but my blood would just boil even more than it is now.


Up here in cumbria, a church was burnt down by a white lad, im suprised that they dont build a fecking mosque in its place.

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Guest The Big Fish
cor this is impressive,i didnt know free speech was still allowed in england even on internet message boards...

Bloody good stuff,myself i think racism and having pride in your country are 2 different things...im not racist as i dont dislike non white people,i dislike them living in my country the same as i dont want some stranger round the corner to come dossing down in my front room.. ! this is my house and i should be allowed to decide who comes in it....this is our country yet we have no say who comes here and if we dare say we dont like it we are termed " racist "...call it what you f*****g like im proud of being english and i want england to stay england with our own traditions and values and if that offends foreigners well thats what they got to expect,if i walk in your front room and bed down for the night i think you,ll want to kick me out would you not !

In a twisted way im always glad my old grandad is not here to see this shit.....your fathers/gr fathers and mine fought and died to keep this country ENGLAND....little did the poor fuckers know that within half a century we would be giving ENGLAND away to anyone who f*****g wants it...why we have an army at all i dont know when we place such little value on our country...

I have to agree with you there, the Germans at least had the manners to try and invade us head on, fortunately they lost. But it seems that we have now been invaded and we didn’t even get to have a decent fight over it.


I believe that the fellas that died in the second world war would be turning in their graves if they could see what was happening to our country, they fought and died for nothing if the Muslims get their own way and turn this country into a Muslim state.


I don’t feel that I am in any particular way racist, if they leave me alone then I will leave them alone, simple! But I have a bad feeling that things may go tits up fairly soon and then the shite will certainly and most definitely hit the fan. It will start with riots, then civil war.


“Like the Roman, I seem to see the river Tiber foaming with much bloodâ€

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cor this is impressive,i didnt know free speech was still allowed in england even on internet message boards...

I have to agree with you there, the Germans at least had the manners to try and invade us head on, fortunately they lost. But it seems that we have now been invaded and we didn’t even get to have a decent fight over it.


I believe that the fellas that died in the second world war would be turning in their graves if they could see what was happening to our country, they fought and died for nothing if the Muslims get their own way and turn this country into a Muslim state.


I don’t feel that I am in any particular way racist, if they leave me alone then I will leave them alone, simple! But I have a bad feeling that things may go tits up fairly soon and then the shite will certainly and most definitely hit the fan. It will start with riots, then civil war.


“Like the Roman, I seem to see the river Tiber foaming with much bloodâ€

leicester is a muslim state

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To add another tuppence worth, this is my agenda.


I pay my taxes for: (and like most i pay alot through smoking, drinking, driving a 4 x 4 gas guzzler)


Decent health care ( i personally dont want to see a foreign quack who can neither understand me well or me him/her)

Excellant care for the elderly who have worked damn hard all their lives for what? If a couple has been married for years why oh why can they not get a double room in a residential home together????? (one of my biggest bugbears)

Decent education for the nations youngsters

Keeping rural po's/shops open

And a nice wee pension for me when the time comes



Holding centres/health care/housing/education for immigrants who see our Island as a free ride or training camps for extremism.



I suppose we have a vote but until the time comes when a party presents itself as prioritising these issues as well as countryside issues then i am not sure what can be done except for as already stated hurt them in their pockets.

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Guest foxtrack
the muslims already run this country its just we dont see it if you look at the government they have people in there the police have muslim chief inspectors all over the country they have there own black union within the police force you go to any hospital in the country and speak to a consultant and odds are it will be a rag head a lot of schools have muslim teachers teaching religious studies to classes where the white child is the minority we are as a nation losing our identity its coming where they are takin g over what we watch on our televisions imagine coming home from work and switching the tele on you have a choice of currynation street ahmedale pakarama middle eastenders britains got talibans youve been bombed and the kids could watch black peter postman pak and for the israelie boys scooby jew :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:


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When I see the white scum on day time tv giro benefit theiving drug taking scum I cant help but have a little respect for those that have studied hard and made sacrifices to work in our hospitals etc mulim or not.


I must say..........I agree with Kane..........the terrorists stage one off attacks.............but the pond life that we breed ourself is a cancer eating away at our society.


Spot on Postie............

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Spot on Kane/Wilf.

Anyone wanting proof, just watch the Jeremy Kyle show on day time tv. I absolutley cringe with embarrassment at the people on there. And the worst thing is....they are breeding and breeding even more of the same ilk, or they actually could be worse since most of them dont even know who the fathers of the children are :no:


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how come on any other forum, about other interestest or hobbys, racist is never brought up, while on this forum, and many other hunting forums, it is occuring every single day. these thugs you all talk about are a minority. Just look at how your own country has treated others!!

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i agree with duckwing :clapper:

hit 'em were it hurts,in the pocket

don't go for a curry after the pub,get your paper & fags somewere else

then maybe a white man can buy back his corner shop


remember a lad coming to manchester for the first time

as he got near the trafford centre

the words out of his mouth were

"f**k me ,that's a big mosque"

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how come on any other forum, about other interestest or hobbys, racist is never brought up, while on this forum, and many other hunting forums, it is occuring every single day. these thugs you all talk about are a minority. Just look at how your own country has treated others!!




For me that is what makes this forum better than others...even though i have an interest and i like to learn about stuff im interested in im by no means a "real" hunter like some are...but there is a lot of honesty spoken on this forum on many different subjects ....

Now some people dont like honesty and they hide from it.....but thankfully this board allows people to be honest whether it offends or not.....and to be fair if it offends someone then you have to ask yourself why.

Edited by gnasher16
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how come on any other forum, about other interestest or hobbys, racist is never brought up, while on this forum, and many other hunting forums, it is occuring every single day. these thugs you all talk about are a minority. Just look at how your own country has treated others!!

Firstly if this is truely what you feel then get real! :no: maybe the hunting bunch talk about it because they can see what is happening. I have no problem with people who live and work and become part of our society, but scroungers and anti Brits who dont like our way of life should go back home, Ok our parliments have made some pretty big mistakes imo but that doesnt mean that we have to roll over and put up with it.

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FPO yoru right, most people dont mind the normal working people and become part of teh society. nobody cant tolerate spongers, thugs, drug dealers etc. but these are a minority, we shouldnt condem them all because of what a few have done.


gnasher, ive never seen the issued raised much on other forums, i just think its strange that it mainly happens on huntign forums, surely this could become a problem, the lieks of antis who get onto the forum, will prejudge us all as racists

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cor this is impressive,i didnt know free speech was still allowed in england even on internet message boards...

Bloody good stuff,myself i think racism and having pride in your country are 2 different things...im not racist as i dont dislike non white people,i dislike them living in my country the same as i dont want some stranger round the corner to come dossing down in my front room.. ! this is my house and i should be allowed to decide who comes in it....this is our country yet we have no say who comes here and if we dare say we dont like it we are termed " racist "...call it what you f*****g like im proud of being english and i want england to stay england with our own traditions and values and if that offends foreigners well thats what they got to expect,if i walk in your front room and bed down for the night i think you,ll want to kick me out would you not !

In a twisted way im always glad my old grandad is not here to see this shit.....your fathers/gr fathers and mine fought and died to keep this country ENGLAND....little did the poor fuckers know that within half a century we would be giving ENGLAND away to anyone who f*****g wants it...why we have an army at all i dont know when we place such little value on our country.


spot on fella :clapper:


round by me churches are being turned into flats and new mosques are being built think that says it all :cry::cry:



FOXTRACK. i was just pointing out how it is down here mate and i really is in a bad way stepney green,st pauls way,morpeth 3 schools in tower hammlets with maybe 10 white or black kids between them NO JOKE AND THERES OTHERS THAT ARE GETTING THAT WAY FAST.


burdett estate has maybe 600-700 homes in it and if 50 aint got bangladeshies in thats 30 more than i know about.

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