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Round my way there seems to be alot of dogs thats quoted as 100% but turn out to be rubish!!!! Do you think this has been a case of bad breedin or early enterin? Av spoken to alot of the old terrier boys and they seem to think there wasnt so much shit around back in the day? What do you lads think? I find it quit disheartnin to think how much rubbish there is out there

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i know of a lad that tryed 3 dogs not long back,everyone of them failed.insead of culling them he moved them onto a lad who will sell them on.then theyll be bred out of,breeding more shite!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and he failed with all three. ? these types of threads always seem to fall on the fact that the dogs are of a lower standard. this may be the case sometimes.

but i dont think the standard of working terrier has fell. i think a properly sourced worker will be of the same or even higher. so that leaves me to think its maybe the lads entering them. or maybe a good worker is harder to find. so folk are buying in haste. . just my thoughts

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Money spoils most things,show dogs allsorts of different reasons for shite dogs,ive had a few,but sometimes you listen to these old timers telling you about this dog,that dog but then you hear from someone else how the original bloke wasnt shy of doubling terriers up.

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