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hyper polecat

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hi all, i have a polecat jill thats hyper is this normal for poley jills ( as i only keep and work hobs ) by hyper i mean when i took her out the other day she was bouncing around and i to race a round to catch her when she came out, i seen another thread on here with a similar problem but cant find it .atb sp

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Just sounds like a normal Jill to me. :yes: If you're used to hobs I can see how you think she's abonormal, I've found they're always on the go compared to hobs who are generally more relaxed and chilled out. :thumbs:

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Just sounds like a normal Jill to me. :yes: If you're used to hobs I can see how you think she's abonormal, I've found they're always on the go compared to hobs who are generally more relaxed and chilled out. :thumbs:

not abnormal lol just hyper, my hob is so relaxed and chilled out he his a real pleasure to work .is it the same with all jills ? Edited by spazzy paddy
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Just sounds like a normal Jill to me. :yes: If you're used to hobs I can see how you think she's abonormal, I've found they're always on the go compared to hobs who are generally more relaxed and chilled out. :thumbs:

not abnormal lol just hyper, my hob is so relaxed and chilled out he his a real pleasure to work .is it the same with all jills ?

Well if you think she's hyper it obviously means you think she's exhibiting different behaviour than what you personally would consider 'normal' for a ferret, so I can't see how I was wrong in using the word 'abnormal!' :laugh:


I've always found Jill's more skittish and harder to handle but then I always find they get working with less fuss than hobs.. :thumbs:

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My hob is a so calm and plods around ....the jill....first time i took her out for a hunt she went mad as a hatter. Worked the sets well but when she come out and went for her own mooch i had the war dance going on for ten minutes and the fecker trying to climb up me legs ....when i squeeked her whic i do with both my stinkers she was running up behind me and literally jumping up my back of me legs....totally mad fecker. Kids thought it was brilliant....as they went ten yards backwards as they thought she was going to attack them.


Hobs seem more chilled and not all jills are like this but if she still quite young maybe grow out of it......funny to watch ..not so funny when trying to get them to work.

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sound like shes a happy jill and from what you've said she is playing, is she this years kit?

she happy as feck and good as gold when handled,soon as she's on the deck she go's mad, the lad who i got it off said she was born early 2012 so yeah still young realy.
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