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best bait to get rats

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nutella mixed with veg oil works a treat for me , I keep a few chickens and had seen signs of rats so one night I put some of the mixture out and went back to my shooting position switched my night vision on and the little buggers where already there lapping it up , they must of come out as I was walking away , so I fed em some lead

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I know this is an old thread, but just a few tips for some of the other replies. if your using dog biscuits as bait throw a few loose ones out, then superglue some to a board or the ground ( if its hard standing) then you can pick off the rats as they are gnawing at the biscuits.

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also if your using cage traps and finding the rats trap shy. try covering the trap with a piece of old carpet. rats are naturally inquisitive of tunnels, so if you make it look like they can get in 1 side and out the other its odds on.

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