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more hassle for northern terrier men

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KEITH J.....I think Johnny 7up. brought that responce on HIMSELF..Tail Docking BARBARIC...iI believe he quoted!!! now if he BELIEVES this and not on a "Windup" then ,what is his Opinion of TERRIERWORK going to be :icon_eek: His FELLOW :hmm: Terriermen ....Barbarians ...The Border keeps getting mentioned,for example of a Terrier with a Tail "Working " The Old style Border & Xs' have and Had the Supple back to turn in a Tight space .I.M.O. not hindering them ,a Coby new type "Show" will find it harder I believe..Not alot of them ,going to ground ....

You have Jumped to the Guys Defence..Admirable,for and unusual for a "PLUMMER" owner..your position changing on TAIL DOCKING ,hasn't got anything to Do with your Choosen breed going down the K.C. route and being not allowed to show & sell docked Stock ,would it ?


The Distance in which the GENERAL public is from STOCKMANSHIP ,animal Welfare is VAST !!

they have lost sight or have never seen Practices that are Both HARMLESS to new born stock And for their WELFARE ..most Stockmen are by NATURE not Oggres ,that Carry out Duties for the Hell of it ....THERE IS USUALLY GROUNDS and GOOD ones at that for their decisions.... :yes:

The ATTITUDE towards certain practice in Terrierwork...is I.M.O. WHY certain BREEDS never get of the GROUND & get Worked ,full of folk Bending to the whims of Antis' & the K.C. following suit ..Give an INCH or two ,you Give a MILE .......

Edited by Tam O'Void
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Before you start typing let your empty brain engage you muppet!! I had to pet out the best spaniel I ever owned due to it having a un docked tail, I'd like to see you watch a dog of yours going out i

wind your neck in ya fanny

also hear theres a two year jail sentence for anyone caught docking tails , quite unreal when peados , rapists ,muggers what have ya, get a slap on the wrist more times than enough

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tam i have no intrest in kc registerd dogs as i believe it is the beginning to the damnation of all working breeds,cant stand the show seen either,yes i own a plummer with an undocked tail as i bought my bitch from scotland were upon it is illegal to dock full stop.so dont make judgement on me,ive worked terriers for over 30 years some docked others undocked i was using border terriers as an example only,if you had read my post properly you would have found i have nothing against tail docking only that i prefer my own dogs undocked,every one is entitled to an opinion without having to be slated with a load of abuse.i have seen undocked dogs worked to ground with no problems.it just makes me wonder some of the utter none constructive garbage i have read on this thread makes me wonder do people really have there dogs health first and fore most.atb keith j.

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KJ.. no one was Making any Judgement on yourself ....If you had READ my post ,it was a QUESTION on your Change of Position,from having Previously Docked your Plummers and your Decision Not to NOW ..."Dog From Scotland" Question Answered..!

I never Implied you had Anything against DOCKING ...the guy is not getting "STICK" for having not Docked Dogs....It is for his "BARBARIC PRACTICE "quote..for someone to work Terriers ..and come out with that :huh: ...Beggers Belief..Bear is more than welome to take up his offer ...I would be looking over my shoulder .If that is his ATTITUDE.. Sounds like some Modern day ,HOBSON.... ;)

All these SMALL CONSESSIONS lead to bigger controls... I.M.O. the welfare was never an issue ,Regarding Docking .....It was about " IDENTIFICATION " who worked their dogs and who never ! one look and you could tell Who the Bad guys were ..bit like the old Forest laws, who the plebs were...

Ps. It is NOT ILLEGAL to own a Docked dog in Scotland...the U.K. is joined for the most part ,so nothing stopping anyone up here HAVING or giving Docked dogs BACK down to ENGLAND... ;)

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I my option this a barbaric practise it does not effect the working ability of the dogs and should be banned completely


This is what I can't understand how ..if someone works their dog ,,thinks docking is Barbaric what does he think of digging ? he keep ratting dogs I guess ? not digging dogs... so every owner in the past of show and working spaniels, every owner of working and show terriers, dobermann pinchers, old english sheep dogs, boxers etc etc, ware Barbaric ? docking of tails is harmless, causes very little or no pain... and the antis and kc are just trying to turn every one in to nannys,,, give a inch and they take a mile

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ok fare play tam .i know its not illegal to own a docked dog in scotland .i bought my dog from legion kennels the pups were'nt docked.and my change of mind was that i like the look of the dog better than my docked plummer and it dose not hinder here work in any way nor has it with any other undocked dogs ive seen and worked in the past.i agree barbaric practice is out of order as i have docked many litters myself[before the ban may i ad]and if done properly causes little if no discomfort.and i do believe it is up to the individual whether they dock or not.jonny did admit he frays'd it wrong and appoligised,i do no the lad in question and he does work his dogs on a regular basis,im not sticking up for him he has his own mind as do i'.just think a bit constructive input from both sides of any debate is better than a slagging match.atb keith j.

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Had a couple of borders down through the years with full tails,never stoped them from working and they were never in any discomfort,not tail wise anyway,lol,but gun dogs are different,Springers,Cockers with long tails are a pitiful looking site after a hard days beating cover plus they also work in places where drains and such are full of bacteria so an open wound on the end of the tail is not very healthy for the dog imo.A spaniel with a nice docked tail will fare a lot better.

exactly fat man i have worked a few borders and have one now and it does them no harm at all having a long tail

Would you not Agree the way a Borders tail is "SET" gives it abit more leeway...maybe not seen alot of Borders..the Working ones ,I have seem to me when Tails are wagging are low and to the Rear of them ....not up and above ,like most other breeds.. that would be constricted in a tight tube with the tail rubbing the Top :hmm: maybe wrong in my conclusion..The " SET "of the tail is what will effect a "Working" terrier rather than length..

J777 statements ....he never mis- frased it Wrong ..Just got it TOTALLY WRONG.... :nono: an as for BRIAN...He has filled so many YOUNG heads with sh**.he has undone what he, as a TEACHER should have being doing ...EDUCATING..All who have taken onboard his "WISDOM" that I have come across..SEEM only Interested with FAME & FORTUNE..,but dont have his "CHARISMA/SHOWMANSHIP" he was the Master of SELF-Interest..

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I my option this a barbaric practise it does not effect the working ability of the dogs and should be banned completely

Get that wanker of the site the Anti c##t.


He isn't a anti ;)

MAYBE NOT ,but has a Anti mentality....A bit of your GUIDANCE,and maybe He'll see sense....and stop coming out with "HARMFUL "sh**.. :tongue2:
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I my option this a barbaric practise it does not effect the working ability of the dogs and should be banned completely

Get that wanker of the site the Anti c##t.


He isn't a anti ;)

MAYBE NOT ,but has a Anti mentality....A bit of your GUIDANCE,and maybe He'll see sense....and stop coming out with "HARMFUL "sh**.. :tongue2:


True Tam :victory: , although after christmas I'll be a plummer owner as well :icon_redface: but I'll make sure it has a docked tail as when the pups are born I'll get my mate to take them to my vets to get them done :toast:

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bear you wont be disappointed if you go out with jonny and his dogs they work well,he is no anti quite the opposit [even though i dont agree with his quote]long tails short tails who gives a f... his dogs work well.atb keith j.


True mate, I've got a guest coming over this weekend off here so I'll arrange a trip out next weekend with him :thumbs:

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