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famous movie sayings

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Boy, the next word that comes out of your mouth better be some brilliant f****n' Mark Twain shit. 'Cause it's definitely getting chiseled on your tombstone :tongue2:
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"I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen,

here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And

free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"

"Two thousand against ten?" - the veteran shouted. "No! We will

run - and live!"

"Yes!" Wallace shouted back. "Fight and you may die. Run and you

will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,

would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for

one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell

our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take


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Choose life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a f*****g big television, Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players, and electrical tin openers. Choose good health, low cholesterol and dental insurance. Choose fixed- interest mortgage repayments. Choose a starter home. Choose your friends. Choose leisure wear and matching luggage. Choose a three piece suite on hire purchase in a range of f*****g fabrics. Choose DIY and wondering who you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing sprit- crushing game shows, stuffing f*****g junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away at the end of it all, pishing you last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, f****d-up brats you have spawned to replace yourself. Choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?

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"I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen,

here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And

free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"

"Two thousand against ten?" - the veteran shouted. "No! We will

run - and live!"

"Yes!" Wallace shouted back. "Fight and you may die. Run and you

will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,

would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for

one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell

our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take


Debbie does dallas????

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"I am William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen,

here in defiance of tyranny! You have come to fight as free men. And

free man you are! What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?"

"Two thousand against ten?" - the veteran shouted. "No! We will

run - and live!"

"Yes!" Wallace shouted back. "Fight and you may die. Run and you

will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now,

would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for

one chance, just one cahnce, to come back here as young men and tell

our enemies that they may take our lives but they will never take


Debbie does dallas????

No but a good film choice anyway......... :icon_redface::D

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