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feral goats in action

Guest seanhoward

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Guest seanhoward

yes but here in mississippi we do not have feral goats but we do have feral pigs and we can use dog to hunt deer . I am a great running dog fan but do not own any yet, because i'm in college at the moment and have no where to keep them. I do have a black and tan hound that i'm training to run deer, and i'm think that the first runningdog i get will be a Ibizan hound and breed with a scottish deerhound . The ibizan will be for the scent ability and the deerhound for the size the take do the deer.

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Hi Sean,

A proper size ibizan will tackle deer*, no need to cross it with deerhound. Only thing is entering it. You'll need fresh deer carcasses regularly to give it a grip as a pup maybe. You need older dogs that do catch and owners that allow you to run your yearling with their dogs.

Remember that ibizan's probably will open up. If you want a sure catch dog I'd say you go for greyhound-bull cross.





* small deer, I must add. What deer do you have over there? Whitetail?

Edited by Lennard
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Bull Ibizan cross?

maybe usefull but not as tested and thus as "predictable" as the grey-bull crosses with which people have lots of experience and that are probably available.


If you breed the cross and keep one, what about the other say 6 or 8 puppies left (my ibizan has 10 "tits", they get big nests). Secure friends long before who want an utterly fast furry dog that opens up and uses its nose when the quarry is lost.



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hi sean...the feral goats are a tough quarry...they are made of rubber and live in the most inhospitable places.....christ, when we hunted them i nearly had a heart attack!!!!i know that there has noever been anything wrote about hunting the goat with dog, but i hope to sort that deficit out with time....lol...the billy goat will try and butt your dog and it hurts, but a nanny (though big) should be pretty easy to stop...but the hardest thing is getting the dog to take a goat as they often think they are stock,,,

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Guest seanhoward

I see, we have "stock" goats around here and your hunting dog culling one would get you heavily fees, and a hurting walllet , and I would also want to now if there are any pics of those munty geting caught as they sound let tough critters email them to me @ bulldog8232003@yahoo.com.

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hunting goats with dogs is bloody cruel guys, if they have to be controlled use a firearm. they are alot easier to catch than rabbits and even the large billies don't last long after a dog has mauled it to death, sure the billy might get a few head butts in but the dog will always come out on top. after you have heard the scream of a caught goat a few times it makes any normal hunter a bit sick, most pigdogs over here are shot for catching goats and in my opinion no dog can be used for catching both pigs and deer/goats. as for deer there are a few guys over here that are running packs of grey x working dogs on sika and red deer with a pretty good catch rate as i've hunted whitetail i would recomend something like a whippetx grey myself and only run it on the one type of game. the feral goat like tame ones have a funny effect on working stockdogs {and pigdogs} if you have a sheep dog that works sheep all day and every day and then put it round a mob of goats it can get a bit head strong and can ruin a good dog. something to do with the smell and the way they run that brings out the prey drive in a dog. the dog soon learns to self hunt them and once it has a taste of them it is bloody hard to stop, hence the lead asprin cure we pratice in nz. goats are not tough and put up no more fight than a sheep. the only challenge they offer is when stalked similar to deer as they have very good eyesight and great sence of smell.

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didn't mean to sound too much like an arse hole, i don't think our dogs are any better than the ones you guys are using at all,ok maybe our sheep dogs are lol , in fact i am bloody impressed with the lurchers and running dogs you guys are able to produce with everything like the anti's and limited hunting land to hunt over. for the game that you guys have the lurcher is in good hands, pictures of goats don't do much for me when i see a dog posing with it thats all, i know first hand the story behind the "trophy" and it's something the anti's would love to have. they love to have the bloody bits to use against us. as a country new zealand likes to mirror laws that get passed in the old country so what happens to you guys could very well happen down here, the gun laws in aussie are a prime example, in my opinion pighunting in aussie is in it's last decade unless they change their image and hunting style, pictures of holding dogs or luggers get plastered all over magazines and websites and the amount of bitching between hunters is unreal. they have already lost the right to hunt deer with hounds so it's only a matter of time before the greenies up the anti on doggers. the poor buggers just don't see the writing on the wall :blink:

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Guest seanhoward

here in the united state of america we have the freedom to press . whinch mean we can publish what ever we want. Our politicans are all basically hunters and the president own hound himself . So I think the act of hunting with guns and dogs is pretty much going to stay in contact. You guy over sea just stick with what you believe in and be your selfs and don't like the anti's influence your sport and love of want you do. :blink:

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I see were your coming from regarding the pigs kiwi going the same way as the deer... :icon_eek: on the other hand the states is an incredible place, everyone I have spoke to hunts and is all for it, even visitors to the country I have bumped into when travelling... :blink:

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yes have been there too and i agree they have a awesome aproach to game management and hunting, similar to nz in alot of ways.but not all states are pro hunting dog eg being used on deer. the worlds getting a smaller place even in our little corner, the hunting sports in nz and aussie is in decline due in part to kids prefering the ps2 world rather than the outdoors and to a changing population, in this country the population now has a huge growth of asian and african pple who have no respect for our outdoors and way of life. we are not as bad as australia though. them poor buggers have had it hard for years.

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