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Parents charged

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if ever there was a case for the death penalty, this is one. this country went backwards when this was outlawed. there's just no deterrent anymore for heinous crimes like this. in this age of dna and forensics where proof way beyond doubt can be proved, the death penalty should be enforced and human rights laws binned. rant over :censored:

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if ever there was a case for the death penalty, this is one. this country went backwards when this was outlawed. there's just no deterrent anymore for heinous crimes like this. in this age of dna and

Actually he was bubbling and greeting like a wee f*****g baby which looked suspicious to me as i think rage would be more the feeling for me. If thats true that they have played a part in this they sh

what are they pleading, it seemed stranged that all the kids died and they survived, i would die happy trying to save my kids

Haven't really seen any details about this case but the police always seem to put the people they suspect in front of the media. Do they do it to gather evidence or just to watch and analyse how they react in front of the cameras.


If they where in some way involved in the deaths of their children I don't think the UK having the death penalty would have deterred them. People have always commited and will always commit unbelievable crimes against their fellow man, including their own families, death penalties will not stop this but I suppose does go some way to avenge the crimes for those who feel that need.

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Haven't really seen any details about this case but the police always seem to put the people they suspect in front of the media. Do they do it to gather evidence or just to watch and analyse how they react in front of the cameras.


If they where in some way involved in the deaths of their children I don't think the UK having the death penalty would have deterred them. People have always commited and will always commit unbelievable crimes against their fellow man, including their own families, death penalties will not stop this but I suppose does go some way to avenge the crimes for those who feel that need.

Maybe if they had not give the lazy b*****d money hand over fist just to do feck all work wise just knock kids out non of this would have happend.
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how the feck can he justify having 17 kids??????? :icon_eek: think this country needs to take a leaf out of chinas book :yes: the bloke couldnt support 1 fecking kid never mind 17 ffs............why oh why would some one burn there own house down with there kids on ??? theres gotter bed more to it.....werent they wanting a bigger house???? could that be something to do with it??????what ever it is if there guilty then they should be given the death penalty........

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Horrible thing to happen to those wee bairns, but come on! There far worse heinous acts been committed And will continue to be.

The death penalty didn't stop it back then, and wouldn't have stopped this. Anyway no chance of it ever been reinstated

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Horrible thing to happen to those wee bairns, but come on! There far worse heinous acts been committed And will continue to be.

The death penalty didn't stop it back then, and wouldn't have stopped this. Anyway no chance of it ever been reinstated

Horrible thing to happen to those wee bairns, but come on! There far worse heinous acts been committed And will continue to be.

The death penalty didn't stop it back then, and wouldn't have stopped this. Anyway no chance of it ever been reinstated

why should those b*****ds be kept alive and well ? kill the b*****ds end of theres no room in the human race for such filth............
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There kept Alive cause we don't kill offenders in this country anymore.

Dont have the answer, but I do no I don't agree with state killings, yes some murders makes me feel sick, and would gladly strangle the c**ts when I read about it, having said that once you calm down and realise we stay in a civilised nation.

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its civilised yes...........but fook wasting tax payers money on them scum far better to give lethal injection and throw them in the oven thats my opinion and im sticking to it........fook letting filth like them live out there lives no chance they should die ............................. all the best scot..... :thumbs:

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I struggle to understand what he was trying to achieve with that act of craziness. Some think he done it to get a bigger house, well, he has got his wish. Hope he rots in it.

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if they did do this , and it was for a better house or to benefit financially ect i wouldnt give the death penalty , worse sentence for them is GUILT ... it will haunt them every second off the day so let them rot in jail ... forget what it will cost cause if it wasnt spent keeping them locked up it certanily wouldnt go to good people i.e. O.A.P.s or children it would go into the same system thats produced these scum and create more lazy good for nothing people !

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Well said mate. I reckon getting your freedom took away for the rest of your life would be a worse sentence than death. I just wish human rights didn't apply to these scumbags inside, far too easy a ride for them. I'd give them everything they get inside, t.v etc. But only the once so as there sentence goes on, it gets harder and harder till they have f**k all to lie on never mind entertain them. Maybe make them look after things a bit more.

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There kept Alive cause we don't kill offenders in this country anymore.

Dont have the answer, but I do no I don't agree with state killings, yes some murders makes me feel sick, and would gladly strangle the c**ts when I read about it, having said that once you calm down and realise we stay in a civilised nation.

Debate has been done many times on here about the death penalty and i struggle to get my head round why it would ever be a bad idea. Yes you will get murderers, rapists and peados thjat will commit crimes because they have something menatly wrong with them but there are others(and its getting worse) that just dont have any respect for the law and a stint in jail is nothing to them. if the death penalty was on the cards these folk would think again.... :yes: and you only need to stop a few folk to stop some serious crimes taking place. This twat has 17 offspring...now if he is in some way mentaly instable has he now passed on his genes 17 times and did we have the potential for 17 nutters out there?

An absolute tragedy thats what it is..........good luck in the tin pail..... :yes:

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