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Finally found out what is wrong with pip, he has some how picked up a spinal injury, no idea how he hasn't taken a tubmle that I have seen or any massive amount of hard excercising, been advised to keep him on the lead for a month while he has anti inflamatrys. They also sai if it doesn't heal it could be surgery meaning he won't run properly.

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If your vet is not running dog savvy you may be wasting your time. If i were you I'd get him to a bone man, thread here to find one in your area....   http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/229

Is he getting cramped in the crate or is he free to get in and out of it?

Learn to read will you mate! And while your there grab a dictionary. He's not kept in there all day every day he's free to go in and out, and iv seen people keep 2 dogs in a crate the same size as the

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I have a youngster that suffered an injury to the spine as a pup. It was a long road to recovery but he’s proved worth the investment having had a very good first season on the lamp.

Be very strict with yourself and keep it on the lead and quiet when out ie avoid circumstance where it may start lunging etc as much as one can.

Once mine had settled I started with road work, then trotting at heel, building up to 5 miles most evenings, then it was swimming. Only when the bones had stabilised and the supporting muscles were very well conditioned did I allow any galloping. It took a few months.

The first time I took him out on the lamp it was a heart in mouth experience, home after a couple of runs, and when he showed lame the next morning I was never so relieved to find a cut pad lol.

I expect mine will get arthritis in his spine at an early age but for now he’s a useful lurcher and hopefully has a few seasons in him.

Have a good chat with the vet re anti inflammatory doses, you want to keep pain and inflammation down to a degree but if the dog is completely pain free it may push itself and cause problems plus the drugs can slow bone healing is used excessively so it’s a bit of a balancing act.

So 6 weeks for the bones etc to stabilise properly in which time the muscles will waste even with lead walking so then it’s a process of gentle rebuilding in every way.

Hope it comes good S

Edited by sandymere
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Hi yes he went to a vet, there isn't a bone man anywhere near where iv lived that a can find there are running dog vets ect but not a bone specialist, yeah i will take my time with him that's priority go now let him heal up, just wonder how it occurred

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Hi yes he went to a vet, there isn't a bone man anywhere near where iv lived that a can find there are running dog vets ect but not a bone specialist, yeah i will take my time with him that's priority go now let him heal up, just wonder how it occurred

get second opinion also??????
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The missus took him while I was at work, she said the felt down his spine till the found like a knotch or tight spot, lifted his back legs off the ground and applied pressure on his back and he yelp and shied alot of discomfort, I also think I may no what caused it, yesterday I noticed when he walks in and out of his cage he catches the last part of his back and he was arching to get in, so out cane the hacksaw and took about 2 inches off it so now it's not a problem.

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I know that some people don't believe in osteopaths, but in my experience they really do work wonders on certain problems.


Puppies often damage themselves just tearing about; it only needs a foot to slip whilst they are turning at full speed, and they can 'put something out in their backs'.That is how people describe what happens: it happens to people a lot as well: like if you bend over to pick something up from the floor, and twist or turn at the same time, then you feel something twinge. Now it could just be a pulled muscle, but IMO and that of bone men and osteopaths, it can be caused by a joint being just a tiny bit mis-aligned, not quite in the right place. This in turn causes the muscles around the joint to tense up, and you then have a sore back.


Dogs with sore backs often want to stretch more than usual, putting their front legs right out in front of them, and pulling back into what is commonly known as a 'play bow'; the way a dog goes down at the front with its bum in the air when it is inviting another dog to play. If a dog does that a lot then its usually because it feels uncomfortable in it spine somewhere, and instinct is telling the dog to stretch the muscles and relieve the pain.


Problem is, if the joint isn't sitting quite right, then just stretching doesn't cure it, which is where the bone man or osteopath comes in handy.


I don't have a problem with crates, but if the dog gets wedged upside down (mine often sleep on their backs with their legs in the air) in a crate, and gets a foot or toe stuck through the bars, it can struggle and hurt itself while trying to get free. Another way that dogs damage their backs is when they run and barge into other dogs when they're playing.


I'd give the dog's back a good rub every day for a few weeks: use firm stroking motions down each side of the spine, not on the spine itself: this will help to relax the muscles which have got used to being tense ever since the dog hurt its back.

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