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Windy evening out

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Thought i was in for a peaceful afternoon at home this afternoon when the phone rang . It was the farmer of my main permission he had been putting up an electric fence and had seen a lot of rabbits and was concerned that they had stared to burrow in his fields making it hazardous for the cows,and could i come down and sort them out one day.In the years i have been shooting there this is only the second time he's phoned me about a vermin problem be it pigeon our rabbits,be down in an hour was my reply.On approaching the first field i spotted 4 rabbits feeding,got to within 30 mtr's picked out the big un and sent a .22 15g daystate rangemaster H.E from the mk4 on a collision course to the rabbits head,cleanly killed head shot.As i got to the field were the electric fence had been put up i looked down the hedgerow and was amazed at the number of rabbits ,at one warren there was over 20 ,as i walked down the hedge some of them ran into the hedge but a few ran into the field and into the holes the farmer had told me about. The second rabbit i took was on the opposite side of the field got to within 30 mtr's a quick squeak to make it lift its head,shot taken and another clean kill,still had the stem of grass in its mouth when i picked it up.Every field i looked in had rabbits in them,there was a lot of kits about this time could get within 6ft of them i explained later to the farmer that these weren't the ones digging up the fields and left them for another day which he understood and was happy for me to do as i seemed fit.The last rabbit was shot on my way back to the car i spotted a pair of ears sticking above the tall grass.got to within my zeroed range and took the shot,i don't think it knew what hit him clean head shot.Finished with the 3 on the day but saw in access of 100 rabbits on the few fields i covered today i have a feeling there will be as many on the fields i haven't checked yet.....Ste



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Good video dude, I'm sure that second rabbit you filmed it looked like the crosshairs were pointing at its jaw rather then brain rain area, might just be me viewing this video on my phone's small screen.


Keep the vids coming much enjoyed.

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Nicr shooting, looks like you've got your hands full with the rabbit population there!


..I'm sure that second rabbit you filmed it looked like the crosshairs were pointing at its jaw rather then brain rain area, might just be me viewing this video on my phone's small screen..


Hi Mawders, looks like hold-under was needed for the first two shots, perhaps they were closer than his desired zero.



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lol :laugh: forgot about the bloke mowing the lawn Adam,very impressed with the work you've had done to the ranger,can't believe it didn't cover all the delicate detailing logo/checkering.You've a keen eye mawders mate,the second rabbit was closer than my zero of 30mtrs,at 20mtrs its 1/2 mildot hold under so i shot in between zero and 1/2 hold under.Milegajo you'd get sick of rabbits if you moved down here mate.Your not wrong Elliot they are starting to cause a lot of damage out in the fields,Will spend a full day up there next week and take some pictures of the damage they are causing

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I'm sure that second rabbit you filmed it looked like the cross hairs were pointing at its jaw rather then brain rain area, might just be me viewing this video on my phone's small screen.


Knowing Ste and working with him on the Rise of the Verminators I'm pretty sure that the cross hairs were aimed both for windage and elevation, be it hold under or over to make a reticule correct shot buddy.


He for me is one of the best shots that I have seen come into the section and by watching his clips i think that we all can learn something.






Just read down the rest of the thread and seen you explained it Ste :thumbs: .


Ill get my coat LOL.



Edited by zini
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Top Class shot placment's...it doesnt get better than that.


It was aslo very good watching you look for the right shot to take..Spot on.!!


Without a doubt you have respect for the thing's your about to shoot...Im very Impressed :thumbs:


Where I live its nearly alway's windy..it drive's me up the wall..especially as i live in a static home next to the sea. All my permission is only minutes from where a live and iv got alot of it, so just about everytime I go shooting it's blowing a gale..So Iv had to adjust and get use to shooting in windy condition's...If i handnt ...i would never get out to shoot my permission..Perfect conitions are few for me.




Marty :victory:

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Thanks for the kind words Marty,we don't really suffer with strong winds,but they have been forecast all week.So its new to me ,hold over/under is made easy thanks to chairgun,but aiming left/right due to strong winds is a lot harder.I do as so many others try to kill as quick and as humanely as possible ,given time your quarry will give you the shot your happy and confident to take.

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I'm sure that second rabbit you filmed it looked like the cross hairs were pointing at its jaw rather then brain rain area, might just be me viewing this video on my phone's small screen.


Knowing Ste and working with him on the Rise of the Verminators I'm pretty sure that the cross hairs were aimed both for windage and elevation, be it hold under or over to make a reticule correct shot buddy.


He for me is one of the best shots that I have seen come into the section and by watching his clips i think that we all can learn something.






Just read down the rest of the thread and seen you explained it Ste :thumbs: .


Ill get my coat LOL.




Hey si,


I knew this would be the case, I didn't mean it any other way doubting his shooting as I know he can shoot, was just trying to get the explanation so those less experienced hunters new to the sport could see what all this hold under and over talk equates to when you see a lovely example like that.


Once again top shooting op!

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first shot slow motion.. sounds like the aliens were trying to abduct something!!


second rabbit . to me it looks like the pellet impacted about where the cross was so the hold under was slightly mis-judged..no dis respect meant for the shooter tho, still a good clean kill and no suffering, we all make mistakes eh- 'perfect' shot placement would have been about an inch--inch.and.half higher... into the brain. in my oppinion..(im going to get slated for this comment arent i)


third rabbit.. looks like it heard the click of the gun and tried to squat in reaction to this, but the pellet was going too fast and took the top of its head off :thumbs:

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Hi S.R.T, don't worry mate you won't get slated for making a comment be it good our bad.Trust me i do my homework where kill zones are on all the species i shoot.ive attached an image of a rabbits head and where its brain is if you compare where my shot was and where it would hit on the image,imo it was spot on..ATB Ste :thumbs:


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