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Come on boys and girls, lets have some allotment updates. This weather is holding us back but how far have you got?


I went to my local nursery and theyve ran out of onions and arent getting any more in! :censored: so ordered some on fleabay.

Ive got three quarters of my tatties in (kestrel, charlottes, maris pipers and ambos?) i think. Ive got 6 pumpkin seeds in, a tray of turnips/swedes - and im gonna try to plant parsnips in the peat pots, hopefully i will be able to simply stick the pot into the ground without touching the seedling!?!

I put my turnips in trays now as it works brilliantly-something that according to the packet it doesnt.


Im not bothering with fancy stuff this year. Its going to be LOADS of potatoes and onions, a few marrow and pumpkin (for chutneys), a good few turnips and maybe a row of caulis, and parsnip, thats it.


Had a bad year last year with other stuff. Runner beans went wrong, couldnt get enough horse muck for my peas, finally admitted no-one in the house likes broad beans! :laugh: and my red cabbage failed so its back to basics for old trap trap.

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the missus is using a plot of garden from her friend whos living part time in new york,


[was rotatvatored spuds planted/harvested then untouched for nearly 2 year]


i dug a bit by hand put up 2 rows of bean sticks an planted over 20 runner plants ,

then we had all the rain an they bloody wilted an rotted :censored:


round the garden at home we have put in a few peas,some strawberries,herbs ,radishes and spring onions


will be doing some oriental greens an cut n grow again salad leaves if it ever dries out.

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Well there is plenty to put in but just can't get going due to the weather,managed to get a few raised beds made the other week as what had been rotavatored was a bog,




This year in the raised beds is a bit of experimentation with parsnip and other long root veg, a second crop will be added to the garden just incase,the spuds are through and I managed to get things going well in the tunnel, plenty of lettuce


In one of the green house I put the toms in bags


So59583dfb.jpgon as it's dry enough we will be busy there must be 50 trays or stuff to go in asap

Have fun

Atb 223

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Thats a nice looking spot 223. Looks like your on top of things and just waiting for the weather to break! :thumbs:

I will try to get a few pics up of mine though there are plenty somewhere on this forum.

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Cheers trappa, there's alot to go at and

It's tough going even for two of us but it's a life I wouldn't change,it's a shame work gets in the way, wish I could retire at 35 lol I know wat I could be doin with the free time,I'll get a arial pic from my mates attic it's took years and years to get it manageable with a few hours a day, sometimes I look and think holy shit this will finish me off hand weeding this lot .

I liked the asparagus bed, how is it comeing on?


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TWOTWOTHREE, yet again a great post!, we are in the process of buying a 1.5 acre small holding down here, looks at the moment like everything we have done this year is going to have to be left behind "bugger", never mind hopefully next year we will make up for it.


Atb, J.

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Not much happening on my front... i'm fooked off digging 6 beds this week! Don't think there'll be much planted out this year, might chuck some potatoes in soon see how they get on. Just going to get it to a manageable state, get rid of all the shite left behind by the old tennant and make it presentable. Let the geese do the rest :thumbs:

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RT, if youve just got a spot and are just starting , might be an idea to sort out a trench for asparagus now?!? that way come next year they will be something like. Wish id done one straight away!

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Couple of pics of what i have going on this year. Outside beds garlic and onions coming along nicely, potatoes nipped by the frost on saturday :censored: , just put in a couple of rows of asparagus. Inside potatoes well up, beans and strawberrys, peach and mulberry. Been picking lettuce for weeks :victory:





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Nice set up mate the tunnel is spacey,

I wouldn't be without one, now were even thinking of making it two,we have a sheet just need 5 rings to erect it,good luck for the rest of the season,even if we're a month behind due to bad weather,things will catch up though as usual,


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First year 'tunneling' for me. It came with the place i bought but had been seriously neglected. The fruit trees hadnt been watered and just managed to save them. It has a good watering system and electricity inside. As you can see the place was a mass of weeds, brambles and rose bay willow herb. i have a massive problem with weeds and am just having to pick all the crap out and keep on top of it, may change the soil for next year.


All the best




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That's similar to my allotment Bell, overgrown and full of weeds. On 12 hour shifts all this week so doubt much is going to happen, whacked the potatoes down last night so we'll see how they get on.

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Went down to check everything and water, paw prints all over my potato patch :censored: completely flattened the 'trenching', with a massive dog turd at one end of the bed!!!


Wish me nextdoor neighbour (who i got the allotment off) wouldnt let his :censored: dogs run all over my plot ffs, shitting pissing and jumping all over what i've dug out.

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