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Mixed Bag, 3 Species, 2 Guns, 2 Calibres...

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Well I have had Wilbur a little while now and I have got to know his foibles, feeding a steady diet of .22 Crosmans has resulted in 11.5 foot pound energy, good accuracy and a satisfying Twoink every time you pull the trigger... Well decided to have a few hours down the permission this evening and took Wilbur along as well as the fresh air would do him good. Walking down the track I saw some kits at play and decided to see if Wilbur could chalk one up. Managed to get the gun out, Broke it, cocked it, slipped a pellet in, closed it, took the safety off, lined it up, got the trigger to second stage, just feel the sear and Twoink, gas ram expanded, pellet left gun, pellet struck kit. Kit died! Wilbur has chalked one up. I felt that satisfying glow of getting one with the springer, well gas springer anyway! Picked up the kit and walking back to the guns, saw a stoat being chased by a bird of prey! Not every day you see an orange ferret on steroids belting across a paddock, trying to avoid something that is viewing it as dinner!



Well it is the thought that counts!


Then inside the woods I swapped guns, I took the Super 10 out to play. Walking round I saw a bushy tailed tree rat, got it lined up on the branch, a little hold under, aimed fired and whack, straight on top of the blasted hen house. Go and knock on the house door "Scuse me can I borrow a rake and get in the hen house please? I have a tree rat to remove!" Rake obtained and enter the hen house, play squirrel snooker and roll it off the side. Damned thing had nuts on it like a Yorkshire Terriers!



The first one I can prove I shot...


Buster Gonads the squirrel???


Got back into the woods just as the main flock landed. Lined up and shot a nice one. Retrieved that one, got back, another few landed, shot one, into a thicket and could not find it, waited some more time and then another few landed at the far end, so another Crosman flew through the air and found another victim. This one fell in the nettles so I could get that. Back to the three firs, another 4 landed, shot one, straight in the same damned thicket. This time I was peeved, I tried to get in but it is 4 foot high briars at the front and left, barbed wire and the back and right with damned hawthorn in front of the barbed wire if you approach it from behind. Many expletives later I got back to the firs, another small flock came in and settled so I got a good line, made sure of the projected downward path and fired. Another Crosman found it's target and a third victim hit bare earth in front of a tree. Three down, had to get ready for a return home. So pigeon for tea during the week!



The three I could get to!


So three species killed, 2 guns fired, one dinner obtained, Not a bad evening!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Nice work Mike :clapper:


How come only one meal?


Kits make a tastey kebab :yes: in fact I actually love the tender meat of the kit's.

Squizzer would go well with the kits, a few shrooms, onions and maybe a couple of pieces of red, yellow and green pepers on the skewers YUMMY!



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The kit and the squirrel have gone to my friend, he with the escaped hawk! His birds will dine on those. Those pigeons will make us a lovely pie, as well as one for the old dear down the road, she likes a nice pigeon pie, unfortunately she only gets the ones I make, well they have not killed her yet so they have to be alright!

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Cheers Mole! I regret never taking my old Mod55s out on a proper hunt... I suppose I felt it was too loud without a silencer...

Damn good to hear a talent being exercised. I have little talent and it hasn't been tested of late. Might head out with the lamp... All the best!

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Well done mate, but you could hit the kits with your piss at this time of year. I was stood less than three paces from one today, the other side of a gate, it just looked at me and carried on munching.

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Another great outing mole, in itching to get out at the moment but work and the weather just keep getting in the way! My superten is yearning for some action! Still need my first pidgeons of the year, just had no luck with them as of yet.

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I know all places will be different but what sort of time do you get in position and what sort of time do they start coming back in to roost? I have a few places in mind on my permission but it drags me away from the squizzer and rabbit areas so don't really wanna waste all my time waiting for them if you know what I mean. My permission is like 45 min drive from my house so I like to make the most of my visits.

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