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When is old too old !!

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My first dog was still catching into her teens, back then I was too young and too keen to ever think of her retirement, as long as she still worked, she was out! Paulus, she looked a bit like your old dog in the pic, snow white head on a younger 'looking' brindled body.

Sadly and stupidly I listened to others, who's younger mutts were getting beaten to the punch by a very expierienced brain and stopped taking her out. To see her decline from fit, healthy and active to a skeletel wreck in months was sickening... Never again, they run till they drop or go 'to live on a farm'...!!!

i made that mistake with an old bitch mate :thumbs:
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one of mine is eight and a half (but looks alot older lol) not been worked as hard as alot of dogs but seen enough to keep him busy in his younger years. had his fare share of injuries aswell as the usual bumps and scrapes which really do tell on him now. he knows he aint gonna catch alot on open ground but he also knows where they are going.....why run after em when they will come to you eh? lol

marks true and still dosnt mind the sharp end.he dosnt go out on the lamp anymore but still a valuable member of the team in the daytime.


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  • 2 weeks later...

There a few older dogs still working, I think alot of the older dogs still out doing what there are a lot too say for the man at the other side of the lead working/condisioning/rest plus they must of had the best for the start too still be going strong late on.




Ya they'll lose pace ect but there still alot of use's for an experceneced old steady dog....

love the poem
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i think ya know [bANNED TEXT] ya dogs times up.my old bitch is 12 now and i stoped running her at 8.she was verry verry fast then it seemd like over nite she went slow haha. she had a hard running life and earnd her reatirement. she just walks about the yard now

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just read the oap's out lamping , fair play to them.

8 and 10 1/2 and still doing it .

It inspired me to put this photo up of my old dog .

He was 8 when the pic was took (pre ban) i was well inpressed with him .

It turned out to be the last hare he picked up , he could still take the old rabbit in the day and at night

but not many!

Is there many oap out there still doing it ? and have you got any pics of them.


i have a nine year old beddy/whippet/greyhound bitch for mooching and ferreting an still going strong but she never had a hard season in her life an lives indoors Edited by Del Williams
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i agree with what has already been said. it really depends on the injuries they've and how they've dealt with them. I was gonna totally retire coco at 6 after the arthiritus in her toe from an injury had got quite bad. However, i know i'll miss her not being there for ferreting and the short trips of lamping. Her is brilliant, marks well and loves to be out. So the plan is...plenty of good drugs..lol


So a dog will tell you when they dont want to go anymore and when they're too old. Old dogs will always have a purpose.

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These are my two - the dog in front is about 8 , the bitch behind about 9. I don't work my dogs hard but they're out bushing with the terrier every day and ferreting in season and they don't show any sign of needing to retire. Neither would shine on hare but for the kind of mooching about I do, I reckon they've got a few years in them yet!


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  • 3 weeks later...

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