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Ferret nipping

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Just let it nip, mines 13 month old now and still does it, even upto 2 year its just there way of playing. Anything more than a nip give them a flick on the nose (not braindamage) they sharp learn. overall though dont be nervous around them, if you want to pick them up then pick them up dont mess about with gloves it only makes them think your skin is thicker than it is and will end up making it bite harder. diet wise the lads are spot on, out you can get while out, rabbit or birds if ya into shooting sling them in bones fur the lot all good stuff. odd egg although can cause fur loss if too regular and the dried food especially in summer when meat goes off quicker. Only thing ive heard is not to feed them pork dont know how true it is but heard can be lethal. Better off with cat food though than dog meat as it has higher protein which they need since have short digestion tract (can even get it with rabbit)

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how would you give a ferret egg do you just crack it into a bowl or do you mix it or give it to them full



Which ever way you want mine some times have a full one bit messy tho or just pop it in a bowl Sometime put full one in a bowl gives them something too do



thanks how often would you give it to them once or twice a week or only the odd time

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Been offering the jill the back of my fist to smell, when i open the hutch and stroking her she seems to be settling down a treat, even walking up to Marv to rob his chicken wing leaving him stood trashed, getting a metal gate for a cubby we have so i can split into two levels and make a larger place for her to live and hopefully get a couple more for company for her, when the opportunity of couple more arises :thumbs:

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i found that pushing my finger down there throat when the bite soon stopped them.only till you get the gag.nd not too hard.got told off a old guy down the street and it seems to work. they've never bite me since they were a few months old.well except when i mate the mistake of putting my hand down a hole after one lol



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how would you give a ferret egg do you just

crack it into a bowl or do you mix it or give it to

them full




Might be a bit old fashioned here but I give me it when they go out too work two hours before if not working about twice a week



Which ever way you want mine some times have a full one bit messy tho or just pop it in a bowl Sometime put full one in a bowl gives them something too do



thanks how often would you give it to them once or twice a week or only the odd time

Edited by Ferret mad Dave
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