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HELP!! Sick ferrets!!


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Are they vaccinated? Distemper can cause fits/seizures. Such a shame, hope the other gets better.

Hmm I once had somthing simillar,and the old man said they were constapated,at that time I had around 15 ferrets,he had me feed them a oily fish ie mackerel,since then I do this every now and then,he did say just change there diet,the fits you mention seem to fit the symptoms,thats all anyway worth a try,

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I got them when they where 5mths old so not sure if they are or not

The remaining Jill is back to normal now so fingers crossed she stays that way.

They never had runny eyes or nose or a rash so the vet seems to think its not distemper

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I have just got home from work and have gone out to feed the dogs and ferts and the ferts are not right!

From there hutch to the run there is a section of pipe one of the ferrets was in there, tried calling her out an she was just wriggling couldn't seem to get out so pulled her put, her body is shaking like she's having a fit?! Her eyes are open but like she's blind?! Put her on the floor in the house an she just sort of tries to pull herself along like can't move her back end?!

The other one isn't as bad but defo not right!


Any info or help appreciated!!

the same thing happened to mine the other week exactly the same symptons as you described i put mine down to working her on the sunday an she was dead on the tues the only thing i can say is that she picked up a couple of ticks on her head wether this caused it or not i'll never know ...



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Picked up a new little Jill last night, think when I take the pup for her jabs on fri I will take both the ferts for a jab against distemper just to be on the safe side and protect for the future.

Where could they have caught it from tho, the pheasant they ate 3 or 4 days previous??? All my dogs are ok??

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Picked up a new little Jill last night, think when I take the pup for her jabs on fri I will take both the ferts for a jab against distemper just to be on the safe side and protect for the future.

Where could they have caught it from tho, the pheasant they ate 3 or 4 days previous??? All my dogs are ok??


i would have thought if tey had distemper they would both have died; in a quick succesion.anyway good luck with your new charge mate

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