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why would i be lucky? are people not very inviting in the terrier world? I could return the favour. I work on a 900 acre and it's propper fox infested maybe i could invite them down for a day


You might have got more responses if you had put the above in your initial post.


And come on mate you are not that stupid, in the present climate re working dogs, most folk are just a wee bit suspicious of who they invite to tag along.


Cheers Pernod

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why would i be lucky? are people not very inviting in the terrier world? I could return the favour. I work on a 900 acre and it's propper fox infested maybe i could invite them down for a day

its not that they are not very inviting, the main thing is the trust issue - they dont know you and taking a complete stranger out doing something illegal is very risky and a risk not to many lads are willing to take so dont take it personal. There are probably anti b*****ds reading this as we speak you can never be to careful and we dont want to give them ammunition

Edited by AndrewEdwardDennis
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why would i be lucky? are people not very inviting in the terrier world? I could return the favour. I work on a 900 acre and it's propper fox infested maybe i could invite them down for a day

its not that they are not very inviting, the main thing is the trust issue - they dont know you and taking a complete stranger out doing something illegal is very risky and a risk not to many lads are willing to take



illegal ?

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why would i be lucky? are people not very inviting in the terrier world? I could return the favour. I work on a 900 acre and it's propper fox infested maybe i could invite them down for a day

its not that they are not very inviting, the main thing is the trust issue - they dont know you and taking a complete stranger out doing something illegal is very risky and a risk not to many lads are willing to take



illegal ?

yes, if it is not carried out in accordance with strict conditions it is illegal. However, like you (well i assume) you are pointing out, you may use one dog below ground to flush the fox to a gun if it is likely the fox is going to cause damage to game stock etc etc

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ok cheers lads


i understand the trust thing and the anti thing so i'll guess i'll just have to wait and hope that someone will show me one day.


I understand the illegal and legal side of things (or i think i do) that only one dog can be put to ground at anyone time and must have a locator. The dog is only allowed to flush the quarry to a gun and is not to kill the aniamal. But experance/hands-on teaches more then reading about something so thats why i was asking to tag along with someone and help out and learn.


aslo i have a terrier (mean littler bugger jack russel x corgi) he is propper game and he would go down a hole if i let him but im worried about doing something wrong so i just use him for bushing

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yes your right, hands on is the best way toget started. get yourself a terrier and start doing a bit of ratting with it. when people see you have a terrier and that you are responsible, you will have more of a chance. faliing that, keep reading, andwhen you feel confdent, go a walk round your local, get some practice in, learn from your terrier and then ring up some local farms etc etc thats how i would do it anyway

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