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Get the b*****d in the kennel and aff the f*****g couch and you wont hear it crying........................ :D


lol there prob a lot of sense in what you say mate.it wouldnt work now though.should have done it from the start.although he is great in the house.never had to clean up piss or shit,and he can be left alone without any fear of damage.

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Its a good chance it is cramp, make sure the dog drinks regular and possibly put a small amount of electrolytes in his water.


i will try that mate. cheers.

yea f**k sheeling out a cpl hundred quid to tell me its cramp mate.like i said its only on the odd occasion he does it.other than that he is tip top.


just looked it up and apparently cramp is caused by 3 main things : - dehydration- lack of potassium - lack of vitamin DSo if you make sure the dogs has plenty of liquid you will combat the dehydration. For the potassium feed raisins, a handful of rasins contains double the amount a banana does. As for vitamin D - milk and sunshine are both great sources. Hope this helps scot, horrible to see your pride and joy in pain aint it

I thought rasins were harmful to dogs? not sure why I thought that but I've always thought it was harmful to their kidneys??

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Its a good chance it is cramp, make sure the dog drinks regular and possibly put a small amount of electrolytes in his water.


i will try that mate. cheers.

yea f**k sheeling out a cpl hundred quid to tell me its cramp mate.like i said its only on the odd occasion he does it.other than that he is tip top.


just looked it up and apparently cramp is caused by 3 main things : - dehydration- lack of potassium - lack of vitamin DSo if you make sure the dogs has plenty of liquid you will combat the dehydration. For the potassium feed raisins, a handful of rasins contains double the amount a banana does. As for vitamin D - milk and sunshine are both great sources. Hope this helps scot, horrible to see your pride and joy in pain aint it

I thought rasins were harmful to dogs? not sure why I thought that but I've always thought it was harmful to their kidneys??


I always thought that too. :hmm: I was led to believe that grapes carry something on their skin which is harmless to humans but not too clever for dogs.. :hmm:




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im not saying grapes arent,but i have always questioned some of the stuff you shouldnt give to a dog.take the most famous one,chocolate.its poison to your dog.now i dont doubt these people have info to back this up.but i have seen several dogs one of mine included who gets chocolate on a daily basis.my last lurcher,got one of those cadburys wildlife bars everyday.she lived till she was 16 lol

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Its a good chance it is cramp, make sure the dog drinks regular and possibly put a small amount of  electrolytes in  his water.


i will try that mate. cheers.

yea f**k sheeling out a cpl hundred quid to tell me its cramp mate.like i said its only on the odd occasion he does it.other than that he is tip top.


just looked it up and apparently cramp is caused by 3 main things : - dehydration- lack of potassium - lack of vitamin DSo if you make sure the dogs has plenty of liquid you will combat the dehydration. For the potassium feed raisins, a handful of rasins contains double the amount a banana does. As for vitamin D - milk and sunshine are both great sources. Hope this helps scot, horrible to see your pride and joy in pain aint it

I thought rasins were harmful to dogs?  not sure why I thought that but I've always thought it was harmful to their kidneys??


I always thought that too. :hmm: I was led to believe that grapes carry something on their skin which is harmless to humans but not too clever for dogs.. :hmm:





I just put them up as a good source, I wasn't aware they were harmful, thanks for that lads (y)

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Its a good chance it is cramp, make sure the dog drinks regular and possibly put a small amount of electrolytes in his water.


i will try that mate. cheers.

yea f**k sheeling out a cpl hundred quid to tell me its cramp mate.like i said its only on the odd occasion he does it.other than that he is tip top.


just looked it up and apparently cramp is caused by 3 main things : - dehydration- lack of potassium - lack of vitamin DSo if you make sure the dogs has plenty of liquid you will combat the dehydration. For the potassium feed raisins, a handful of rasins contains double the amount a banana does. As for vitamin D - milk and sunshine are both great sources. Hope this helps scot, horrible to see your pride and joy in pain aint it

not 100% but i think raisins can be poisonous to dogs

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