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recently i have noticed large green pussy spots on the inside of my dogs back legs, its on the skin the part of the legs that doesnt have hair.. i have been bursting them and cleaning it out with savlon anti septic wash, today i found a massive one inbetween his toes on his front paw, any advice to what this is is welcome before i take him to the vets thanks..

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have u got the dog on straw, how much protien is in his diet, had it once on me dog . the the vet will give you piriton, so get that your self from a chemist, then if that doesnt shift it get some antibioctics into it , then the final one if that doesnt move it it steroids perdisilion 5mg tablets 5 a day . got a good site for you to look on get every thing you want very cheep. kv supplys. good look and get a look on that saved you a vet fee there mate

Edited by doggy bag
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It's just a mild bacterial infection caused by tiny scratches or punctures to the skin. Nothing to worry about. Just dab with diluted Tea Tree Oil or TCP to combat the infection and help to dry up the pus. You could put any antiseptic cream or ointment on the spots though, I just prefer to use what I've mentioned.

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