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Alright people hope some one can help me my hw100kt has been spot on untill last night I got her out and as normal looked to see if she needed a fill and the gun was compleatly empty so I filled her up by the quick fill and when I pulled the quick fill probe out I could here the air leaking from where the probe goes in so does any body know the most likely corse and how do I fettle it.




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You may have got some dirt in the valve where you fill the gun so the valve wont shut .I have never taken that part of the gun apart so not sure how it works .Did you fill with a pump or dive bottle .If you filled with pump to fast you may have damaged the valve with heat.The valve may just not be seating right like the theoben bottle valve sometime they close and sometimes they dont .A bit more refilling may reseat the valve or blow out dirt .IF YOU ARE LUCKY.But if the problem started after a refill and you didnt get the pressure WAY to high the problem almost has to be the filler valve.

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It does sound as though theres dirt or a seal gone in the filling valve

Empty the cylinder totally then give it pulse blasts when you fill it, this might dislodge the dirt, if it doesnt then I fear it may be a seal


BTW have you seen the new lightened custom cylinders???




;) ;)



Edited by Marksman
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It does sound as though theres dirt or a seal gone in the filling valve

Empty the cylinder totally then give it pulse blasts when you fill it, this might dislodge the dirt, if it doesnt then I fear it may be a seal


BTW have you seen the new lightened custom cylinders???




;) ;)



As above re pulses of air, if you're lucky this will solve it. If your rifle is under warranty give Hull Cartridge a ring and they will sort it for you. I had the same problem and it was quick and easy. If its not under warranty get a price for repair, then compare that to Darryl's lighter cylinder ;)



Edited by Elliott
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cheers lads for the replies I have had problems finding this thread again till now any ways I bit the bullit and stripped the air cylinder down (and all the rest of the gun while I was there and degreased it all and serviced it) all the seals were like new and in good nick I think it must of been a bit of dirt in the filling valve as I cleaned it out and give it a blast with the air out of my bottle and put it back to gether and all seems fine touch wood I have seen the new air cylinders darryl and was all ready to be ordering one had this one been goosed. The cylinder that is on my gun is a different one to stock as is and is much lighter than the hw quick fill ones that I have held but i cant remeber wich cylinder it is I got the gun off shay off here so maybe he could shed some light on that ?


thanks again guys




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