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Season started - call out

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Cheers guys.


Stop end, ....Hot spring/early summer + no substantial rain at the time = HARD GROUND.


Surely you can understand that? :whistling:


My main permission is the commerecial shoot my brother works on, a job needed doing so i had to go do it. Bitch is 4 and half i think and was slow to start. Being my first terrier i probably didnt help things along much and most guys would have binned her before now im sure. I coulndt really give a monkeys about depth, deep or shallow doesnt worry me, all i care about is seeing the bitch work and getting a good out come. Got nothig to prove to nobody :thumbs:


Simples. :thumbs:

right different horses for different courses...... but ill tell u this you have a lot of dreaming to be done if she 4 and a half and her best dig is 1 hour odds.... ill save dis quote for when you mate her then ehhh :yes:

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i wouldnt judge a dog by its time to ground but more by its performance when in ground. ive seen terriers in ground for 2-3 hours only to be 6 or 7 foot away from there quarry or to let stuff by just

Yes i did read it and if you read it again he says it was a call out,so noting to do with seasons,and i could not be arsed to start argueing over the rest of your rant.

Cheers guys.   Stop end, ....Hot spring/early summer + no substantial rain at the time = HARD GROUND.   Surely you can understand that?   My main permission is the commerecial shoot my brother

i wouldnt judge a dog by its time to ground but more by its performance when in ground. ive seen terriers in ground for 2-3 hours only to be 6 or 7 foot away from there quarry or to let stuff by just before you break in. also seen them crawling around all day through tubes after quarry and not getting a result. is a dog that takes longer to bottle up its game better than the one that does it straight away.

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i wouldnt judge a dog by its time to ground but more by its performance when in ground. ive seen terriers in ground for 2-3 hours only to be 6 or 7 foot away from there quarry or to let stuff by just before you break in. also seen them crawling around all day through tubes after quarry and not getting a result. is a dog that takes longer to bottle up its game better than the one that does it straight away.

hmmmmm your for real too ehhh..... lol an hour or so digs is where you would take a wee dog at the end of a season if the terrier has being doing good.. coz if you be out all the time you can pick confidence builders...... 4 and a half id be more looking for a rangey 7 footer way educated quarry.... see what the bitch really made of after all she is 4 and he claims to have access to a shoot and other permission how many she seeing in a year not a stab just an honest question folks :blink: :blink:

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i wouldnt judge a dog by its time to ground but more by its performance when in ground. ive seen terriers in ground for 2-3 hours only to be 6 or 7 foot away from there quarry or to let stuff by just before you break in. also seen them crawling around all day through tubes after quarry and not getting a result. is a dog that takes longer to bottle up its game better than the one that does it straight away.

hmmmmm your for real too ehhh..... lol an hour or so digs is where you would take a wee dog at the end of a season if the terrier has being doing good.. coz if you be out all the time you can pick confidence builders...... 4 and a half id be more looking for a rangey 7 footer way educated quarry.... see what the bitch really made of after all she is 4 and he claims to have access to a shoot and other permission how many she seeing in a year not a stab just an honest question folks :blink: :blink:


Where was breeding from her ever mentioned?


Granted for her age she aint been tested as much as other dogs are, but unfortunatly i work 5 some times 6 days a week, I train for boxing in the evenings and have sundays off. Like i said, ive got nothing to prove to anyone. A dig is a dig to me regauardless to depth to me, im happy enough with what i get. Having permission on a commercial shoot doesnt give me free reign as and when i fancy a wonder about with the dog :blink:


How about now you go away and beat your chest somewhere else because i couldnt give a monkeys what you got to say about anything to be honest :laugh:

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