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What does it really mean, in my opinion some young dogs will be ruined by idiots but to me in the majority of cases " IF ENTERED CORRECTLY " is used by money makers/ peddlars as an excuse when to cover up the fact that there dogs are shit and aint got the minerals in the first place. The reason that i have come to that conclusion is that i know of 9 pups that came from one yard to different people and not one made a digging dog could it be that is because they were bred from ££ shit x ££shit in the first place.OR were all ruined by fools.

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They all have different temperments and attitude towards earth work,as old timer said,some go in hell bent on killing anything in front of them and others take ages before they finially switch on and

Theres an old saying 'you can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear'

Perhaps it's the person entering them, if all pups went to different owners then i'de have to agree but i've seen some shit terriermen in my time that just seem to be looking for any excuse to call a

What does it really mean, in my opinion some young dogs will be ruined by idiots but to me in the majority of cases " IF ENTERED CORRECTLY " is used by money makers/ peddlars as an excuse when to cover up the fact that there dogs are shit and aint got the minerals in the first place. The reason that i have come to that conclusion is that i know of 9 pups that came from one yard to different people and not one made a digging dog could it be that is because they were bred from ££ shit x ££shit in the first place.OR were all ruined by fools.

you hit the nail on the head just an excuse id say to

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They all have different temperments and attitude towards earth work,as old timer said,some go in hell bent on killing anything in front of them and others take ages before they finially switch on and turn into diging dogs,and then there is some that never will.All anyone can do is rear the said pup to the best of there ability and when it comes of age start taking it out,then you will be hoping for the best but you should also be prepared for the worst.

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What does it really mean, in my opinion some young dogs will be ruined by idiots but to me in the majority of cases " IF ENTERED CORRECTLY " is used by money makers/ peddlars as an excuse when to cover up the fact that there dogs are shit and aint got the minerals in the first place. The reason that i have come to that conclusion is that i know of 9 pups that came from one yard to different people and not one made a digging dog could it be that is because they were bred from ££ shit x ££shit in the first place.OR were all ruined by fools.


You are probably right in your thinking,there is also the possibility that the said mating just didnt click or that none of the breeding pair were producers.

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What does it really mean, in my opinion some young dogs will be ruined by idiots but to me in the majority of cases " IF ENTERED CORRECTLY " is used by money makers/ peddlars as an excuse when to cover up the fact that there dogs are shit and aint got the minerals in the first place. The reason that i have come to that conclusion is that i know of 9 pups that came from one yard to different people and not one made a digging dog could it be that is because they were bred from ££ shit x ££shit in the first place.OR were all ruined by fools.


You are probably right in your thinking,there is also the possibility that the said mating just didnt click or that none of the breeding pair were producers.

The pups were not all from the same dam and sire and not all of the same breed ,so in my opinion bred from shit.

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They all have different temperments and attitude towards earth work,as old timer said,some go in hell bent on killing anything in front of them and others take ages before they finially switch on and turn into diging dogs,and then there is some that never will.All anyone can do is rear the said pup to the best of there ability and when it comes of age start taking it out,then you will be hoping for the best but you should also be prepared for the worst.

I agree that pups are all different and of different temperments and attitude ,but you would have to agree 9 pups from different sires and dams and all shit something has to be wrong ?. at the end of the day the pups went to very experienced and respected terriermen who know how to bring on a dog.

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Agree what ever breed of dog or animal you always want the best bread but there is a lot of guys out there that try starting them too early and if they don't perform first time out blame the breeding both terriers and running dogs. End of the day if they had doubts about the breeding why take one of the pups not enough guys are willing to walk away if their not 100% happy and buy the pup in the hope it will turn out better than the breeding.

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Guest busterdog

They all have different temperments and attitude towards earth work,as old timer said,some go in hell bent on killing anything in front of them and others take ages before they finially switch on and turn into diging dogs,and then there is some that never will.All anyone can do is rear the said pup to the best of there ability and when it comes of age start taking it out,then you will be hoping for the best but you should also be prepared for the worst.

I agree that pups are all different and of different temperments and attitude ,but you would have to agree [9 pups from different sires and dams and all shit something has to be wrong ?.] at the end of the day the pups went to very experienced and respected terriermen who know how to bring on a dog.


Perhaps it's the person entering them, if all pups went to different owners then i'de have to agree but i've seen some shit terriermen in my time that just seem to be looking for any excuse to call a dog a cur.

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They all have different temperments and attitude towards earth work,as old timer said,some go in hell bent on killing anything in front of them and others take ages before they finially switch on and turn into diging dogs,and then there is some that never will.All anyone can do is rear the said pup to the best of there ability and when it comes of age start taking it out,then you will be hoping for the best but you should also be prepared for the worst.

I agree that pups are all different and of different temperments and attitude ,but you would have to agree [9 pups from different sires and dams and all shit something has to be wrong ?.] at the end of the day the pups went to very experienced and respected terriermen who know how to bring on a dog.


Perhaps it's the person entering them, if all pups went to different owners then i'de have to agree but i've seen some shit terriermen in my time that just seem to be looking for any excuse to call a dog a cur.

The pups did go to different men ,who have other dogs as well with no probs,

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well heres the way id see it, if you want your dog to come on the way it should then you really would,nt want to rush him, if you think he has the sand to the task in question, im sure that could mean , entered correctly, and im sure that most decent terriermen will know when their tykes are ready,and i must agree "you cant make a silk purse from a sows ear",but then all dogs and dog men are different.

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