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Been absent for a while with tinterweb issues but thought I'd share this all the same. FoxDropper and I popped out for one evening after work a buck at a spot he'd seen two cull animals a week or so previous. As seems to be the case at this time of year plans are hatched and assumptions made only to turn up and find the fields cut and re-think is in order. Fortunately thick Wiltshire hedge's and a couple of untouched fringe fields made a look around well worth a go.


It didn't take long to spot a deer which FD pointed out tucked into the long grass verge under the hedge on the other side of a wide field. I could have sworn it was a buck (although FD was umming and ahhing) so we made to get closer and get a better look which envolved retracing our steps. Turned out she was a doe and we waited until she moved on before concentating on the fringe fields.




I was cofident for a sighting but it wasn't long before the feeling abated and with FD's knowledge of the ground telling him it wasn't going to happen we high-tiled it to a neighbouring ground in time to have a quick look round. There were rabbits everywhere with the tiddlers waiting until you almost trod on them before innocently hopping out the way. With the light faiding and it looking like a blank we were discussing the rabbit numbers when a thumping in the hedge saw a buck bounce out and stand 100mtrs away with the farm buildings right behind him. Fortunatly he moved to our left and made himself safe but still very unsettled taking a few anxious steps and looking as if to take flight properly. I was on the sticks and put the crosshairs on his shoulder and although his movement meant I was having to adjust my stance I was confident when he finally stopped. I can't explain it but the shot went well wide - guess I must have snatched it in haste. He ran towards the fence but instead on jumping it turned and ran unscathed down the line geting closer to us giving me a second chance by pausing at 70 meters. He started off again just as I fired and the shot hit higher and slightly further back than i'd have liked but he was straight down - a nice 4 pointer.




The next trip out was supposed to be at my patch but the detreus of Glastonbury in the form of unmoved road diversions and die-hard wannabe hippies heading back to London was a recipe for a long wait in the car so it was over to FD's again :icon_redface: We were lucky with the weather again and planned to wait up til dark for a buck to emerge from a wood to a couple of bordering cultivated fields. We were in plently of time so made our way the long way round through standing wheat in the hope of bumping into one.




The lay up patch was postcard perfect and it wasn't long before a good buck appeared with a doe in tow. It was in FD's designated area but wasnt stopping for anyone and seemed to be chasing a lesser buck into the wood to give him a good pasting. A while later there were some warning barks and some disturbance in the wood but nothing appeared.




We made our way back to the truck in the dark and picked up the lamping gear and .223 for a look out after charlie. We weren't out the truck 10 miutes when we caught some eyes in the lamp so I got on the sticks and FD began to call. The first fox was approaching 50 meters when another set of eyes appeared charging up in the distance. FD blew a 'rasberry' to check his run...and I let him have it in the chest... WALLOP, cycled the bolt and waited until the other got to the same spot... WALLOP - have that too. Another round in and a couple more squeeks... more eyes running in... WALLOP! Three in as many minutes :gunsmilie:




We carried on the circuit stopping in a likely copse near to where the three were taken and stopped for a call. FD suddenly flicked the lamp down to the ground in front on us and said one was charging-in. I was on the sticks sharpish as he brought the lamp up to see one screaming in at 40 meters... splat.




FD's calling also worked on some larger game which also came charging in in a bit of a brown trouser moment :icon_eek:






Cheers again matey :victory:

Edited by Local
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Cheers all - Haven't had 4 fox's since I was out with you Martin although it should have been a lot more if i remember correctly :whistling::icon_redface:


As for the warriors John I imagine they're all off school and at the arcade or camping with the mum and dad at the moment :yes:

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