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thinking of getting out of the poaching game

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2 grand worth a shite dogs............. i feel for ye pal, but fact a the matter is, 99% a adult dogs getting sold are shite, id probs go as far as saying 95% a working dog litters are bred fae shit

You know when you KNOW that it's gonna be one of those threads . . . . . .

Chris has been lamping for years, most of yous could only dream of owning dogs like FRED and so on. Its little pricks that big the dogs up but are f*****g shite then when tried they not worth a wank.

Maybe that's what you get for going about all the time saying shit like "poacher till i die, f**k the police, f**k the ban" etc, if you kept your buisness to yourself, sorted a bit of land, poached quiet like, got dogs in from pup, from decent litters, put in the time to raise and enter them etc, rather than wanting a straight out the tin, big bag taking, hardcore lurcher etc, and hoping you can throw money at folk to get it. . . . . . . . . then you may not have had these problems.

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well after twenty odd years in the lamping game im thinking of giving up for two reasons the first is way cop are cracking down getting beyond a joke was out the other night up hexham way had not even got out to lamp was on way when cops pulled me and my sixteen year old son over and tryed to have me dogs lamps and car took of me was stuck at side of road 2o mins while they fck me round and searched us and looked up what offences i could be dunn for what a fck on and secondly ive over last two years bought countless lurchers of dog lads and you can say more fool me and you right but i take people at their word and ive paid by being stung over and over a gain paid over two grand in last two year and got nowt to show for it to many con men and make quick buck lads in game now whats happened two the good dog lads never thought i would ever consider packing dogs in but this ban and the way pigs going on is getting worse and cant afford to loose car and get fines just now all see how it goes and make mind up soon

dont mean to sound impertinent,but either get out or divnt.nowt to do wi any body else

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If you get caught it's down to stupidy, simple!



stupidy eh, you get copt cos you have stonking great bull crosses in the back, me, i run whippets only on bunnies, as soon as they are in the cage, down they go, and dunna budge till i tell em, always work alone

disagree , before you go out lamping always go on face book see who wants to come

Edited by whippet 99
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