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2 this morning

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Was out for first light or should I say I was up for first light but took an hour to find my car keys :doh: ...got to out syndicate water about 6 and 2 lads were already fishing ...The water is very low for this time of year we have not had decent rain for a month so didnt bother with the double hander and rigged up the 11foot 3...dropped into the pool above one of them and 3rd cast with a small brown and gold tube on an intermediat bang into a fish which took it on the retrieve 10 mins later a nice bar of silver in the net ...it was bleeding so it was knocked on the head ....an hour later in the next pool down casting square into the rough water and swinging it into the back off the pool I hook a fish about the 12 lb mark which went for a few runs and had me to the backing twice .....managed to get it into the shallow water and it was lying on its side on the shingle just as the ghillie was comeing down the bank but with a few shakes of the head the hook shot out and it was away back into the pool ...I was a wee tad upset to say the least :cry: .

Finished up at dinner time as its too bright but the tide will be high around 5 oclock with a riseing pressure and if it dulls down there should be a good chance of hooking another



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We were out again yesterday the water was massive up 6-7 feet and choco on sunday but had dropped and cleared by monday morning I watched it drop a fott in a few hours so we headed out in the afternoon and night ...a few fish were showing especialy some decent sea trout but were just heading straight up ...I lost a decent double figure fish just before dark and my made landed a crakin 10 pounder covered in sea lice


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