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airgun safari, anybody?

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hi guys, some of you might remember me mentionig about an anti poaching trip i made to south africa last year, it was probably the most interesting week i've ever spent outside the uk, and a whole lotta fun involving shooting some serious caliber rifles(.453 magnum elephant gun, .303's etc plus a variety of handguns) angry rhino's, camping in beautiful bushland and seeing some truely amazing animals on their home turf.


the guy that runs these courses from the south african end is a fella called les brett, ex rhodesian forces and south african special forces, and now a full time pro hunter,enviromental officer,anti poaching officer and dangerous game hunter/guide, amongst many other illustrious acheivements(for full details see here http://www.survival-school.org/Default.aspx?tabid=606 ) he also cooks a mean steak and BBQ'ed chicken feet...


we were discussing the idea of a 'dads and lads' airgun safari, where participants would camp out in the bush and get to learn all aspects of airgun hunting and stalking along with learning the habits of all airgunnable species including;


5 species of franklin


rock pigeon

ringneck pigeon


and others

also, you'd be taught all aspects of food preparation and how to properly cook your quarry.

i know that the hunters on here will already be well versed in game preparation but this would be an interesting chance for them and those guys out there with no permissions of their own to spend 7 days doing our favourite sport in a completely new enviroment-and believe me, the african bush truely is completely different, for example man is not top of the food chain out there!!

there'll also be some trips round a reserve to give you the chance to see some of the big species too.

it should cost about £450 per person plus you'll have to find your own air fare.


anyway, i'm just trying to find out if anybody'd actually be interested, before we go ahead and advertise it in the airgun press.


all the best, wurz

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Hi Wurz.

It sounds absolutely wonderful mate :boogie:


A year ago I would be going but, with all that's going on with this nations economy and folk's jobs in question, it's going to be a tough one to sell. I can't afford it right now and £450 alone would get me a top end Bushnell scope or a .177 HW77 to pair with my .22 rifle.


As it is, keeping my family fed and watered under a roof is a daily concern. So, unless lady luck smiles on my lottery ticket...


Sorry pal.



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well, i did this post as a bit of market research, as it were...


i think we're all suffering from being skintypoos this year, which is a damn shame as this really could be the airgunning trip of a lifetime(next to the THL meet of course!).


still, if and when things get better for all of us, south africa'll still be there and it'll be a go, i'll let you guys know as soon as i do if we definitey set it up tho- just in case those lucky numbers have come up!!


cheers all, wurz

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Well that certainly sounds like a great trip, I'm the same boat as most people on here..... skint!!


Would love to go on a trip like this someday, although I'm sad to say it won't be for a very long time!!! :cry:


I'm there will be some lucky buggers on here that are able to go.


ATB, Andy

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Well we won't be bloody down forever and things will get better and then...I'm signing me and Josh up! So don't go binning the idea just yet Wurz mate. It's just not a good time to launch an enterprize like this for the time being. But things will recover!



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