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Washed & Lubed vs. Au Naturale

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Back in Poland I used to shoot a CO2 powered rifle, me and the rifle owner used to spray pellets with lube and they seemed to fly a bit better with a bit more of a "kick". But it could have been our imagination xD Anyway it leaves a lot of residue in the barrel so you have to clean it quite often.





Ps. I think washing them always gets the dust and other sh*t off of it, especially when you wash it with a washing up liquid. I guess that would make a difference, but I dunno if it would be noticeable. I might do a few tests when I have some time :)

Edited by Teer
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I always wash my pellets before they go through any of my guns, I find it best to remove any swarf that may find itself in the skirts of the pellets. I don't lube my pellets as I've never found a need to. :hmm:


A word of warning to those of you who do/are planning to lube your pellets. Please please please check your gun does not go over the legal limit with lubed pellets. It is very surpring just how much it makes a difference! Sometimes half a ft/lb or more! If you usually shoot 11.7 with normal pellets then half a ft/lb will take you over the legal limit. Ignorance is not accepted as an excuse in the eyes of the law! :thumbs:


The lube decreases the friction between the barrel and the pellet, increasing its velocity as less energy is wasted as friction as the pellet passes through the barrel, considering the pellet often leaves the barrel spinning at 30,000 + RPM there is one hell of alot of friction there that must be accounted for with the addition of lube!


So please be aware!


Also remember run 20 or 30 shots through the barrel before you do any chrono testing on any lubed pellets, the thin layer of lube will need a few applicatoins to reach it's most effective. :thumbs:


Just abit of advice that I hope may just get you out of a tight spot should you ahve not considered such eventualities!


ATB, Phil :D

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I have only just started doing mine, I wash as per everyone elses method then roll them around in a tea towel that I use to wipe my gun down with a light amount of low viscosity gun oil. ( I think low viscosity means dosent diesel ) as I hardly use any oil, it shouldent be a problem anyway.


Have a go nothing to loose :thumbs:

.atb. .ste.

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Always lube, 100% of the time.


If you want to improve your long range accuracy and respect your rifle lube.


If you want to plink at large coke cans in the garden at 30 yards and don’t care about small tinnier groups then don’t lube bother lubing.


World champion FT and HFT shooter always wash and lube. That kind of says something doesn’t it lads?



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I absolutely swear by washing and lubing.


Wash out the swarfe and lead dusts with Fairy Liquid in a glass bowl. You'll be amazed how much detritus you'll find at the bottom. Sieve out, repeat and rinse. Dry with a hairdryer on kitchen paper and lube with a very fine film-coat of WD40.


Job done. Magic!



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