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electric training collars

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would like to know anybodys comments on these training aids,which model would be best for work witha a single dog,also are they pretty well guaranteed to cure problem dogs behaviour,ie chasing stock,aggression,and general disobedience in wilful dogs,the reason being i am thinking of buying one. thanks all for any comments.

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If you cannot train a dog, to obey without collar then you wont be able to with an E collar.

Not being sarcastic, but an E collar is useless without the training with it. You can give a dog shocks till the cows come home but if you do not train whilst using it, i guarantee it wont work. A farmer near here can only work his collie with the collar on, as he trained it to the collar, not to his commands (if you get my drift)

Plus using an e collar on a dog which is being aggressive will only make it more aggressive. Pain= heightened aggression.

E collars are only really a last resort for dangerous situations imo :thumbs:

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IF you want to stop the dog chasing stock and see no way forward you get a collar which has a little water sprayer attached, and it sprays mist into the dogs face and

he'll stop in his tracks,


But nothing will replace you walking the dog through the stock, keeping distance for a good while, and moving closer each couple of trips out,

patience is whats called for,


i wish you all the best...




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would like to know anybodys comments on these training aids,which model would be best for work witha a single dog,also are they pretty well guaranteed to cure problem dogs behaviour,ie chasing stock,aggression,and general disobedience in wilful dogs,the reason being i am thinking of buying one. thanks all for any comments.

Lots of patience and praise give you a much better all round happy dog these quick fixes dont agree with them at all, spend time building a bond dog will learn off you what you want

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E collars are a brilliant trianing tool if used properley there not a quick fix or lazy b*****ds training you still have to train the dog the old fashion way but fir stock breaking and pig headed dogs there a great tool if used proper, i use the dogtra 2 dog system and it works well for me and the dog know when you pick up the collars thier there waiting to have them on .

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I was one of the people who was against using them, but have since had to use one on a VERY difficult dog. I have used it to train one command i.e. LEAVE, so the dog can be walked off lead. I have tried treats, long lines, dog trainers etc (the last one recommended PTS) so it was a last resort really for me.


Without being able to walk him safely off lead we would have had to get him PTS as he is a very high energy dog, he is now a very useful dog.


For him it worked really well but you have to know your dog, rather than a dog who will associate it with the wrong thing and panic say every-time a plane goes over. Or a nervous dog and scare them more. Also you need to do one command at once to not confuse the dog. Sorry if this sound stupid but I have seen them used by idiots.


If you chose to use one, read the instructions and get one with a few settings and decent battery on the collar in-case one shock doesn't work.

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