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lurcher bitch need help

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Guest D.F.K

hello pal, time is always a great help, make the bitch know you are no thret to her, build her confidence up, gain her trust, little steps maybe treats, an spend alot of time with her an bond with her, get to know what she wants an more importantly make her kow what you want from her, an main thing is enjoy each other ;)

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need help just bort a lurcher bitch it 7 mouth old and it is very nerves how every had it before me gave a tuff life how can i get it bk on track so it cums to me and make not nerves soz about my spellings


why buy it, if you knew it was nervous.? having a dog like that, is always going to alot harder to bring on, than norm temp of a pup. Take it back, and start again with confident pup, make life easy on your self+pup. :yes:

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Guest Buttermilk

hello pal, time is always a great help, make the bitch know you are no thret to her, build her confidence up, gain her trust, little steps maybe treats, an spend alot of time with her an bond with her, get to know what she wants an more importantly make her kow what you want from her, an main thing is enjoy each other ;)


My sentiments exactly....

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Guest Buttermilk

need help just bort a lurcher bitch it 7 mouth old and it is very nerves how every had it before me gave a tuff life how can i get it bk on track so it cums to me and make not nerves soz about my spellings


why buy it, if you knew it was nervous.? having a dog like that, is always going to alot harder to bring on, than norm temp of a pup. Take it back, and start again with confident pup, make life easy on your self+pup. :yes:


Maybe he wanted to give the pup a chance...? Maybe he feels he can give her a good life..?

Take her back? To what....a life of shite?

Sometimes if you get a nervous pup/dog or rescue her from a bad situation and you bring her round and really bond with her, the rewards are amazing...she'll want to please you and will love you unconditionally = a great working dog.

Good luck with her and I hope you have many happy years together....you sound like a really genuine bloke, who wants to do the best for your dog. Patience and bonding with her will allow her to blossom into a first rate companion.

Edited by Buttermilk
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Guest Arsenal F.C

need help just bort a lurcher bitch it 7 mouth old and it is very nerves how every had it before me gave a tuff life how can i get it bk on track so it cums to me and make not nerves soz about my spellings


why buy it, if you knew it was nervous.? having a dog like that, is always going to alot harder to bring on, than norm temp of a pup. Take it back, and start again with confident pup, make life easy on your self+pup. :yes:


selfish b*****d :feck:

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need help just bort a lurcher bitch it 7 mouth old and it is very nerves how every had it before me gave a tuff life how can i get it bk on track so it cums to me and make not nerves soz about my spellings


why buy it, if you knew it was nervous.? having a dog like that, is always going to alot harder to bring on, than norm temp of a pup. Take it back, and start again with confident pup, make life easy on your self+pup. :yes:


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When you call the dog to you sit down first. Don't ever bend over her, looming over her like a huge threat. Sit or crouch whenever you are with her: make yourself as small and harmless as possible. Spend a lot of time just sitting with her, talking to her. If she is frightened of being touched don't ever put your hand on top of her head or back: always stroke under her chin to begin with, then the front of her chest, then the sides of the shoulders. Never pat, always stroke, small gentle movements. Don't move quickly when your'e near her: slow movements. Talk quietly, and don't be afraid of baby talking her: being hard is for idiots who want to impress their mates, not make a bond with their dogs.


It would also help if you could explain in exactly what way she is nervous> describe how she behaves. Spend time watching how she reacts to different things: is she scared of anything in particular? Or is she just generally worried about everything?

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Guest deerhound hunter

do,nt put the problem on som 1 else as the dog will just get worse,the dog will come back form this with a stable and active life,never give in as you,ll get more out this this dog then what you will out of a pup ,as you,ll no turned this dogs life around and that will show through the dogs nature towards you ,keep up the good work .....atb....dh

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need help just bort a lurcher bitch it 7 mouth old and it is very nerves how every had it before me gave a tuff life how can i get it bk on track so it cums to me and make not nerves soz about my spellings



Ok , first things first, scrap the dog bowl, put it away , Start feeding the dog out of your hands, Dont call the dog to you, at all , let her make all her own decisions to come to you for the time being, dont crowd her, she has to want to interact with you herself, and every time she comes, treat her, Keep the eye contact to a minumum, just a glance, not a stare, If you dont like her name, change it, it will have bad associations for her,and when she comes to you, call her her new name, while feeding her, good girl lass, or whatever .Do feck all with her until she trusts you, by that i mean taking her places outside the home,because any set back will take time to bounce back from, for her, Just work on her trusting you, it will take a while, If ya can, let her sleep in the house,on an old jumper with your smell on it,, She will respond , its in her nature, but its gonna take time,,If you can think of the dog first, , and the hunting second , your on the way there, If your just in it for the hunting , she may not be the dog for you,, Best of luck with her bud,,

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