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worst injury when out lamping

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years ago we was running some terriers down some old train lines ,i was walking backwards and didnt see a big man hole with no cover on about 10 ft deep covered with brambles ,i fell backwards down th

just the general caught on barbrd wire, been caught by both my knees and hanging on barbed wire, my mates deerhound x greyhound ran in to him on the lamp after coursing a rabbit straight back at us never laughed so much in my life as he is a big boy and was almost crying, and had the lamp battery catch fire when it was on my back.

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years ago we was running some terriers down some old train lines ,i was walking backwards and didnt see a big man hole with no cover on about 10 ft deep covered with brambles ,i fell backwards down the hole and knocked myself out on a pipe sticking out of the side near the bottom ,the bottom was filled with like oily think water ,when i came round i was up to my shoulders in this oily water .the two lads i was with climbed down and literaly pulled me out by my hair (i had some then lol)with the weight of the oily water i weighted a ton and dont think i would have got out by myself :icon_eek:


at the end of this season gone i was out lamping some rabbits ,had a good few runs then mr bunny came straight at me ,i changed posion a couple of times but i think he knew what he was doing ,dog hit me straight in the knackers and half ripped my left bollock off what it hangs on lol .hert like feck and next morning it was like a tennis ball :icon_eek: doctor said it would take 3 months to heal properly :thumbs: and the rabbit got away :toast:

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mine was not long ago was out on a day time walk with the dog when i seen a big rabbit run under a gate. so i went over jumped the fence and was half way from the fence i have just jumped and the other fence when a cow started running like mad at me. so jumped in to some bushes witch were thorn bushes and a fence in the middle of them looked back to see the cow was still running. so i had to just fall over the fence ripping my pants and cut my leg open pulled the dog under the fence got up to shake my self off to see a farmer flying across the field on a quad bike. not very nice when you got a cut leg.

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