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chavs with air rifles

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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:


And it's grasser's like you that shouldn't be trusted.

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Grow up!   People like these tools give EVERYONE who uses guns legally a bad name!   Better to be a grass than to find out someone has been hurt because you didn't notify the police! Yep the pol

"Yeah lower yourself to being a grasser "   And when a wee kiddie gets a pellet stuck in their head, you can hold your head high and say "at least i'm not a grass".   I would never go to the polic

ask them if they want a day out

this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:


And it's grasser's like you that shouldn't be trusted.

you sound like a little school kid mate the world would be a safer place without people like you so what you are saying then is that if a little kid got a stray pellett in its eye that would be ok would it as long as you were not a grass

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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:


And it's grasser's like you that shouldn't be trusted.

you sound like a little school kid mate the world would be a safer place without people like you so what you are saying then is that if a little kid got a stray pellett in its eye that would be ok would it as long as you were not a grass


Wow you're a f*cking div as well as a Grass.


Look at what I said earlier, I said to take the gun off them!!!! Did you miss that bit or are you just a f*cking spastic?

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This is a hard one to do actualey.


If you just had a chat with the parents, but some one else phoned the police, your labbeled as a grass, get your windows put through etc etc.


If you phone the police people on here would lable you as a grass.


If you go round take there rifle smash it up, they will call the police i bet and then your in the shit.


If you do nothing and some one gets injured then you feel guilty or more chimneys etc get broke.


Now lets put this into another context the lad with the problem may not be much of a fighter or maybe to old now to back himself up (not saying you are mate) He goes round has a word then the boys dad gives him a kicking or from then on gets tormeneted every time he leaves his home. He may be a bit of a loner in his home (once again not saying you are mate) so he has no one to call to come help him out.


What options dose he have.


We all have grown up with diffent morals and beliefs if you think its wrong to call the police then so be it thats your beliefs,

If you think its right to phone the police then tats your choice to. If you just want to give them a kicking then hell thats your choice to, theres no reason spouting on here that people are grasses or people who have no respect, Its your choice what you do.


Me personaly would go round the house and have a chat i know i am handy enough if it kicks off, if i get grief after that then i will go round again, and if i here that one of the kids has shot someone, then i would call the police in, i couldnt give a fook.


But hey thats my choice and what ever some one says so be it.




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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:


And it's grasser's like you that shouldn't be trusted.

you sound like a little school kid mate the world would be a safer place without people like you so what you are saying then is that if a little kid got a stray pellett in its eye that would be ok would it as long as you were not a grass


Wow you're a f*cking div as well as a Grass.


Look at what I said earlier, I said to take the gun off them!!!! Did you miss that bit or are you just a f*cking spastic?

now who's got there knickers in a twist what the truh hert you should go see a srink you nut job

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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:


And it's grasser's like you that shouldn't be trusted.

you sound like a little school kid mate the world would be a safer place without people like you so what you are saying then is that if a little kid got a stray pellett in its eye that would be ok would it as long as you were not a grass


Wow you're a f*cking div as well as a Grass.


Look at what I said earlier, I said to take the gun off them!!!! Did you miss that bit or are you just a f*cking spastic?

now who's got there knickers in a twist what the truh hert you should go see a srink you nut job


:hmm: Hhhhmmm Yes You really are a grassing spastic!

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this guy is asking what to do its not about being a grass its about being responsible with fire arms which these people are not eny way if it means being a grass to stop some one getting hert then so beit


listining to some of the comments from so called hunters on here they are obvosuly not true hunters as they are spouting bull like i would go and sort them out what aload of shit these people on here dont deserve to have fire arms and are just a bad name to all of us serious people who love and want to protect our sport becuse lets face it we need all the suport we can get.


some of you on here who give it the grass and i am the big iam should be ashamed of yourself i am sorry that you are a part of the shooting /hunting comunytie


Another grass with his knickers in a twist!


It's not about being a big man, or acting hard its about having a bit of self respect and not being a piece of shit.


Grassers disgust me.

:clapper::clapper: :wankerzo4: it is pepople like you who make me sick you are a disscrace to our sport and yourself its people like you who give us all a bad name with your bad atitude :crazy:


And it's grasser's like you that shouldn't be trusted.

you sound like a little school kid mate the world would be a safer place without people like you so what you are saying then is that if a little kid got a stray pellett in its eye that would be ok would it as long as you were not a grass


Wow you're a f*cking div as well as a Grass.


Look at what I said earlier, I said to take the gun off them!!!! Did you miss that bit or are you just a f*cking spastic?

now who's got there knickers in a twist what the truh hert you should go see a srink you nut job


:hmm: Hhhhmmm Yes You really are a grassing spastic!

im not going to argue with you enymore you are just a childish little twat enough said

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we have just had a family move in up the road they have two boys about 14 and 17 they have got an air rifle and are causing a neusence shooting at chinmney pots and glas bottles basicly just being nobs they clearly have nothing to do with hunting


my concern is that these sort of people give us serious hunters a bad name and it is only a matter of time before someone gets heart


i am going to call the police if it continues do you think this is the right thing to do what are your thoughts on this what would you do i dont want to make things worse but i think they need sorting out

to be honest mate there aint many kids starting out with airguns that don,t shoot bottles and a lot of other things you shouldn,t be shooting,but thats life we ve all done it...educate them don,t grass them......

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