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anyone hand reared a fox cub?

Guest fence_hopper

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nice one fish,how old is it now? a mate reared one in the seventies ,called it bobby but it would turn on its owner every now and then and bite his arms after lying in his lap for hours.grumpy thing it was. he let it live in a garage with a catflap and it wandered all over at night near killed a few farm collies on its travels as it was reared round dogs and had no fear of them.the rspca got wind of it and took it away saying that it was being released on a wildlife centre.god hope the badgers on that reserve as it was a big old brute must av weighed near half hundred weight.it allways came back everymorn for a feed and a sleep before they took it away.

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100% agree with you mate shame theres some sad c**ts like to go digging this time of season killing vixens feeding cubs everything deserves a rest

If you can only dig legally for the protection of game birds and as gamebirds are about to start their nesting season why would any one stop digging on a shoot at this time of year it is imperative to

Have a look at www.pestgo4u/com. Sorry, can't get the link to work. Basically, what they say is that it is illegal to release any caged/trapped species which are classed as vermin. Urban foxes, for example should be humanely dispatched ASAP. They should not be released. Whether the species is native has no bearing on the legal position.




Edited to add, I have no personal experience with hand rearing cubs but a keeper (!) I knew told me that dog cubs usually turn nasty at about 12 months old, but vixens can stay fairly docile, although as said above they are very much one man, er, er foxes

Edited by RicW
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One of the best terrierman if not the best in yorkshire reared a vixen cub that lived to a great age thats wat made him superior to the macho dog menthumbs.gif

poacher are you talking about j.p i think he has a few photos of the cub you are talking about i think it was called jen?

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One of the best terrierman if not the best in yorkshire reared a vixen cub that lived to a great age thats wat made him superior to the macho dog menthumbs.gif

poacher are you talking about j.p i think he has a few photos of the cub you are talking about i think it was called jen?

No mate j.m

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One of the best terrierman if not the best in yorkshire reared a vixen cub that lived to a great age thats wat made him superior to the macho dog menthumbs.gif

poacher are you talking about j.p i think he has a few photos of the cub you are talking about i think it was called jen?

No mate j.m


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Myself and Red Dog reared a 3 day old Cub on a Jack Russell Bitch Many Years ago.The cub was Dug out by a Local Boy.It was Great with Myself and Red Dog but would Hide if anyone Came into the Garden that it Didn't Know.He would Come to his Name and would take food from our Hands.I kept him in a Big Run when he was older.One day when he was about 9 months old somebody tried to Steal him and he Escaped.I've got some Photo's at my Mothers i'll try and Get them and put some pics up.

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