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Monaghan Waterkeeper keep up the pressure on preadators.

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At Carrickmacross District Court on the 20th January 2009 three appointed waterkeeper from within the ranks of anglers of the NCFFI scored another significant success in the fight against the very real threat to our sport that is fish removal and anti social behaviour.

Kieran Roche Geoff Quinn and Richard Caplice gave evidence of apprehending the two culprits of Lituanian origin as they kept watch over illegal devices in Lough Muckno while the culprits themselves slept off considerable hangovers.

Judge Mc Bride praised the public spirit of the waterkeepers and described the evidence that thay gave as illuminating before going on to fine each 2250 eurs and sentencing both to 6 months in prison suspended for one year.

This praiseworthgy stance by a no nonsense judge will send out a clear message to the law breakers that this type of conduct in our country will not be condoned .

This group of keepers have in the coming months5 cases coming before the courts and Judge Mc Bride whose patience is being tested and it is only a matter of time before some will languish oi one of out jails.




this was taken from www.prebait.com

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clapper.gifclapper.gif Good on him its the only way to get it to sink in to the eastern eauropeans that killing everything they catch is not accepted in fishing i know i might sound hypocritical as i have poached and plunderd most game in the past but can buy a rod license and fish some rivers for free on my doorstepthumbs.gif
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about time these people were brought before the courts,but,not enough is being done to police the waters of this country,this is only a handful of people being caught,i myself have been to many places fishing in the west of ireland and you here stories like this all the time and i have found 2 gill nets on the shannon last year, there should be X amount of water keepers/bailiffs allocated to every county,has anyone noticed the amount of boats,engines and trailers that have gone missing in the last few years?

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nope you are not alone on that statement, seeing plenty of rubbish being left on the river banks up here and along the sea shore where we fished last year. and the reason i no who left it was because i was there when they were.

and i am not being a racist either but yes it was our eastern european friends.


just a thought but the link below is on how to go about becoming a waterkeeper.

it could be a job for you ;)



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that judge McBride is a pure mentaller, i lived in Cavan for a few years and used to follow his judgments in the local paper

one fella caught for 'urinating in public' had to stand on the street for a week with a placard saying what he had done!!

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am really glad to here this.i was fishing muckno about 6 weeks ago and the water bailiffs ware there i was taking to one of them and he was telling me that they confiscated 2 gill nets and inflatable and they had taken 11 rods to.it good to see that's something is being dun but i think it will take a jail sentence to put the wind up them.good on the waterbailiffs. :thumbs:

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  • 3 weeks later...

same down my way,fished nice lake here some very nice pike up to 9lb then the dickxxxxs came along ,rubbish everywhere,trees sawn down ,boats broken, all pike killed, lake fucxed, have not fished it for over 2 years now,just sea fishing for me now

Edited by donedeal
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send them back to there own shitty countries eating freshwater sport fish ,dont like the attitude of that judge tho at times a bit clandenstine ,i woder what would happen if he caut a few young lads coursing etc

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