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Hunting motivation

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Right lads time for a bit of thought :hmm:

What is it that drives you to hunt?

In my opinion there are three main reasons for the hunting of wild prey,in no order

1. Pest control(control)



I think that all of us here count sport as a factor but what about the others?

Personnaly, the whole food thing is a major part of it all for me. Im very fond of the idea of self sufficiency and i cant see a more natural way of going about this than putting game on my own table.I see each season in quarry terms just like i would look at the season of Blackberries or Sloes etc. its all part of the wild harvest! I think that those of us who do hunt and gather in this way have a connection with nature that most of the tree huugging enviromnentalists would kill for, well maybe not KILL for :11:

So what do you think? Is it just the thrill of the chase or is their somthing else that drives you to hunt?

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i love to see my dog working...................i love to be out on my own.........i love to go with mates as a social thing..........i shoot foxes as pest control but run rabbits for sport(sometimes shoot when i get paid to)..........kill squirrels for fun cos i hate the little b*****ds!!! lol


I like seeing nature and the conservation side too


I collect what i can and eat the game i want, to save money but as i'm the only one in my area/social group that hunts i can sell game to buy the other things like liquid bread :drink:


its cheaper than going to the pub



All in all its just the right thing for me to do!!! And i try to do the best i can!!!

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I dont have a choice,...i hunt because its in me to hunt...for me to NOT engae in some form of hunting would not be ethical...just like a bird flys, and a fish swims...



Dito that mate .A day or so of nothing sees me feeling ill,empty and irritable .Its in the blood and there to stay .

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