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ferreting round the bales

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well couldn't work today because of the weather, so decided to go out ferreting around some silage bales. i took 2 long nets 6 ferrets and the dogs with me today. when i ferret the bales i like to use alot of ferrets dropped in around the bales to make the rabbits bolt for freedom. i find this works for me. tried it with 1 or 2 but the rabbits don't bolt, they just hop a few bales down and back in they go.

so we set the 2 long nets up put the ferrets in and within seconds a rabbit hit the net as i was getting to it another hit the net 25 yard from me which the you lurcher pinned down till i got over to dispatch it.then the snow came , blizzard conditions when will it go !!! within 20 Min's we had 5 in the bag and collected most the ferrets. had to wait a few minutes longer for the other 2 as they had killed in. shame we can't get to any that the ferrets kill here, but it keep the farmer happy that 6 less rabbits will be ripping into his bales.

the next farm we set up the same way ,nets set ,ferrets in and another 3 rabbits in the bag. only used 4 ferrets here as there wasn't as many bales ere. 1 slipped the net!! suppose you can't catch them all.

had a walk around the bottom fields and the terriers Flushed a few from the Reid's which the lurcher snapped up, and ferrets bolted a few from some small warrens which ended the day with 11 healthy rabbits in the bag just as the snow started to fill in again. some pics of the day below.






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yeah thats a beddy in the first pic a dab hand for the longnetting. i don't collar my ferrets up when doin the bales because not much i can do if they do kill in but wait!! have 3 collars for the big warrens tho, i some times use alot of ferrts on the really big warrens but only use the 3 collars. i only use small ferrets mostly jills so i don't get too many killed in !! cheers for all your coments

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