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Pests under my chicken coup

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Let us kno how you get on. I've got the same problem around my ducks. I'm trying traps at the min but not doing very well. I'm a bit limited where I can place them though due to my dogs loving peanut butter too!

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Hi guys an update...


Set 2 Mk 4 Fenns in tunnels.... no joy


then I set a live trap and baited it regulary...... no joy


Sat out with air rifle and logun lamp for 3 nights an hour at a time.....no joy


Stuffed 4 bags of poison from my local farm store down a tunnel.....seems to have done the trick, no signs of the little b*stards for a few days now!


we will see

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In my limited experience, I'd say that a variety of forms of attack (and defence) is best.


I get occasional rats in my garden due to my bird feeders and my bantams. Sometimes just moving all the feed into the shed overnight works but at other times they're just too persistent, particularly when they've got young.


As an example, I've got a litter of rats being raised somewhere in my garden at the moment and over the last 48 hours we've had: one adult taken by my ten year old kelpie, one kitten/pup or whatever they're called taken by my young kelpie, one kitten shot my me after being caught overnight in a live catch trap, one kitten hit by a shovel by my neighbour and five kittens caught by my neighbours's cat. I always used to be anti cat but I'm changing my mind! :toast:

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me i would plum for fens on runs and cagetraps, but as you pesters no rats are know. rats have neophonia. wich meens rats have a feer or dont like new objects in they way [runns] they will borro out a diff place as you no rats not thick. so slowly slowly you will kill or cach your rats, then i would get some outside boxes and place them around outside of your buildings to keep them at bay..hope this helps.

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we had the same problem with my mates kennls a few years ago. we got an old piece of hard board placed it near one of the runs and baited it every night for a week with liquidised cat food mixed with the oil from tuna. after a week sat in the bathroom and knocked 10 off with the airrifle on the first night. numbers went down after this. the place was infested. we decided to watch thelad that was paid to clean the kennels out. all the uneaten food was being thrown over the wall onto some waste ground instead of in the bin. the place was swarming. we finished off with a few tunnel traps with mk 4 fenn in and we also had a couple of cage traps down. we were busy for a while but we got on top in the end

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