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Side lever Rifles

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Don't really understand the question. Do you want a side lever spring powered rifle or a PCP? There aren't many side lever spring powered rifles. I don't think there are any really modern ones, as in still made. There's the Webley tracker which is a low powered side lever. I have one and its ok for rats but I don't use it for rabbits or pigeons. There's the old air arms side levers like the Jackal, my father had one the air arms Camargue. Said it wasn't very accurate but this may have been due to the lack of choice regarding ammo. If you want something that looks similar ie (synthetic stocked and military styled) them theres some PCPs along those lines.

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I think this is about as close as you will get these days.




Looks sweet, but I dont know if they have been imported into the UK or not.


Had a play with a friends Jackel in Coventry not long back, I wouldn't want to shoot one regularly though.

All that clunking through the butt gave me ear ache!



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Hi, mate.


If it's function you're after rather than looks, have a look at the RWS 48, 52 or 54.


The 48 and 52 are the same action on different wood, while the 54 has a floating action that kills felt recoil.


They are an old design but they're still made and a good few second hand. Those that have them tend to keep them though. I had a 52 many years back, sold it (wished I'd not!!), then tried to find another. Took bloody months before I found a good one!!


The only down side is they are very heavy. Top classs and very under-rated IMO.



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Thanks to all for your replies.

I'm old school. My Sussex Armoury Jackal was a nice little gun and I always liked side levers and multipumps.

It was old school technology that always worked despite the jackal being heavy and noisy.

I shoot a harrier now but the gear to charge it is a bit of a handful.

My old Crosman 1322 multipump was ideal for barn work being light, self contained, quiet, reliable and accurate.

Ok it wasn't up to modern accuracy but as the average shot was less than 30 feet who cared. No longer available.

The Daisy 760 pump master fits the bill now even though it's going to be a 200 mile round trip to pick one up.


The move from good basic cheap airguns to the overpriced rifles of today is sickening and as annoying

as the supposition that everyone wants a telescopic sight!

I'll bet that most airgunners nowerdays have paid over £100 for a springer and £300+ for a PCP.

What I ask myself is why a PCP is so expensive as everyone seems to make one!

Roll on the invasion of the cheap chinese airguns.

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I am with andyfr1968. I just got diana 48 .22 last weekend. I was concern about it's accuracy until I got some real practice in. Groups between 1-1.5" @ 50yrds, convinced me that made a good choice. I was shooting 90yrds today(just for grins),out twenty shots, I had 10 of them inside of 2.5". I know most of the shots that were outside of the 2.5" were from bad shooting and any fault of the rifle.


Hope this helps!


Ps. The pellet I use are JSB EXACT JUMBO'S 15.8gr.

pss. I am not sure if you will be to purchase one without a FAC license, due the 20ish ft lbs.

Edited by crow48
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