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Deer. Hunting laws with dogs in northern ireland and republic of ireland

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Can anyone direct me to the current legislation regarding the hunting of deer with dogs similar to that which existed in England and wales prior to the hunting act. I have found separate legislation for scotland but I can find no legislation dealing with the subject. You can assume any hunting would be during daylight with landowners permission and in accordance with the open season.

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i also would like to know this because there was two hound packs ... one in the north one in the south still running deer a 2/3 yrs ago .... dont know if they still do or not.


i did email the countryside alliance about it but got no reply

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Hi, i dont know what the laws are regarding hunting deer with dogs in Northern Ireland, but in the republic, its against the law, day or night and if cought, be prepared to face a jail term and a big fine, not worth the risk in my opinion. thumbs.gif





I think they still give out a few licences every year in the south to a couple of packs, i could be wrong,but havent heard otherwise..

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Hi, i dont know what the laws are regarding hunting deer with dogs in Northern Ireland, but in the republic, its against the law, day or night and if cought, be prepared to face a jail term and a big fine, not worth the risk in my opinion. :thumbs:




can you show me or direct me to where i might find the official legislation on the subject because if its a law it has to be in writing.. I think personally that there may not be any laws and that it is just a myth pedalled by the rifle men. I see the current deer population spiralling out of control in my local area in the next three to five years and then they will be regarded as a pest by farmer's and cause havoc to those working hounds at fox and hare, in the republic.

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Not all those rifle men are as accurate as it seems ,have come across some awful messes out there, at least with a dog it get away cleanly or not,,


Sorry if it seemed like I was having a go at dog men! In no way was I trying to generalise. Theres idiots in all fieldsports, just as many if not more are shot by riflemen with sub .22s I'm sure. Wasn't meant as a dig at all.

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I have heard lots of hear say and opinions on the subject what i am looking for is if it is written in law that it is not legal to course deer with lurcher's in daylight in season on land that you have full permission of the land owner. In jonathan darcy's running dog addiction it is openly written about taking deer with lurcher's in the republic of ireland so how can it be illegal. One valid point already made is that with a lurcher it would be unlikely an animal would be wounded to die a slow death which can happen with a rifle in the wrong hands.

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