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Out again yesterday. My 4th outing of the season.


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Went out again yesterday with friends up onto Bodmin Moor (see my earlier post for pics of the area). One of my friends works for the Landowner and so he has some lovely persmissions up there.


Last week a couple of us were working the land, but the actural permission holder couldn't make it - he kindly let us carry on without him. We had a good day last week and got 23. However during that day we spotted another hedge that looked very good. We didn't do it because we were not sure who the owner of that particular hedge was.


Yesterday, the friend with the permission was back in action (and his friend also) - and so we pointed out the hedge to them that I spotted last week. He said that he had not done that one before because his boss only owns the land on one side. However, I pointed out that I had spotted a house down the hill behing some trees, and that I thought the owner probably lived there. So, my friend set off to introduce himself and ask whether we could do this boundary hedge between the two landowners. They were delighted that he had asked and said go for it!


So, the four of us (plus my young nephew) set up on the hedge with purse nets on "our side" and long nets on "their" side. The hedge was 225 yards long (measured on Google Earth), and so we did it in two stages. Stage one we set 2 x 100 yard long nets one side and as many purse nets as we could on the other side - roughly 180 yards covered each side. Then when we had ferreted half way into the second longnet, we lifted the first one and shifted in on to cover the last section of the hedge - and did the same with the purse nets.


This 225 yard hedge took us from about 10:30 to 3:45 to set up, ferret, have lunch, move on, and pack up again, and we bagged 38 rabbits. We are 100% sure that there was an underground kill that we couldn't find - but the buzzing flies gave it away. There was also one that slipped past the nets and dogs and made it to another hedge.


Still - a fantastic result and two happy landowners. This was a very rabbity hedge for a moorland hedgerow. Works out to about one rabbit for every 17 feet of hedge.


Pics show - yesterday's hedge, last week's hedge, last week's bag




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