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haha yeah he would love it, there was another one i can't find, it was japanese i think, they keep a live donkey outside and slice pieces of meat of it and serve it raw, or another way they done it was keep pouring boiling water over the live donkey's wounds so the meat was cooked when they slice it off

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haha yeah he would love it, there was another one i can't find, it was japanese i think, they keep a live donkey outside and slice pieces of meat of it and serve it raw, or another way they done it was keep pouring boiling water over the live donkey's wounds so the meat was cooked when they slice it off


Not only does that sound positively revolting, it sounds sick and cruel as well.


Not looking at the link 'cause I've not eaten yet!

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Guest Scuba1

Ant eggs and larvae are quite nice. Come on folks, on a scale of beauty full animals, the shrimp is right up there with vampire bats and scorpions and yet we love to eat them.





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All of them exept from that fecking fish :sick: atb bedrock

Im with you mate, dont like chemicals in cooking so that rules the fish out for me.... but those mice look nice(in the wine), and if i was hungry id be well chuffed with the sheep head... :snack:


The chick in the egg was a bit too well developed for my liking, bit too crunchy when they get to that size... i prefer them only about a week on.. mmmm

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Guest Scuba1

Here is another one.

Crush a load of grain and mix it with water and let it go of, then boil it in a big vat and fill it in bottles.



Would you drink that??






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Im with you mate, dont like chemicals in cooking so that rules the fish out for me.... but those mice look nice(in the wine), and if i was hungry id be well chuffed with the sheep head...


The chick in the egg was a bit too well developed for my liking, bit too crunchy when they get to that size... i prefer them only about a week on.. mmmm


I’ve seen worse in kebabs!:sick: and the sheep head don’t bother me im welsh :11: atb bedrock

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Guest Scuba1
Im with you mate, dont like chemicals in cooking so that rules the fish out for me.... but those mice look nice(in the wine), and if i was hungry id be well chuffed with the sheep head...


The chick in the egg was a bit too well developed for my liking, bit too crunchy when they get to that size... i prefer them only about a week on.. mmmm


I’ve seen worse in kebabs!:sick: and the sheep head don’t bother me im welsh :11: atb bedrock


bedrock, they are talking about eating it, not getting a bj :whistling: :whistling:





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