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Average time you keep a dog?

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I know i am a nob for making this thread when i am not out working dogs everyday, but is it me or doesn't any f****r keep there dogs for more than a season? People are selling dogs on this site because they 'have too many' how can you get into a situation when you have too many by accident, you don't buy 5 when you can keep 3. I know there are genuine reasons, and we can all accept that and its sad when it happens. But i buy a dog for life. If you buy a dog and its not up to scratch, whos fault is that? Do your research when buying a dog, and if you move it on be honest about it none of this 100% worker, excuse excuse excuse.


Just annoyed, working at a rescue shelter really makes you feel for the unwanted dogs

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i keep my lurchers till the end of their life a few i have parted with when they havent been the dog for me i just put to sleep my old bitch that was bred by me when i was 13 she was put to sleep 7 months ago at the age of 14 cos her back legs had packed up on her

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Was born with a dog at my side. Snowy was born the same day as myself in the same house. He was like a brother to me tho he could never understand why I couldn't catch the rabbits. He was killed by wolves when I was 7. Never forget him.

Moved to N.Ireland at the start of the Troubles and was givin a stray by my uncle. Tempermental bitch, but arnt they all. She had 2 pups. 1 got on the road and died. The other was my best friend and companion for his life. Ripped the heart from me when he had to go. Still get teary thinking about it.

Got kids now. Thought i'd start them off with a wee Jack Russell. Great wee dog. Funny,happy, full of life. The kids loved him and he loved them. Somebody in the neighbourhood decided to cull the dogs. Friend owns a kennels said it was poisoned. The vet said it was an overdose of worm tablets. I took his word, i'm no expert. Broke my heart as we buried him at the bottom of the garden. Kids cryin their wee hearts out. Not ashamed to say I cried like a baby later, when the kids where in bed.

So to answer your question, Average time you keep a dog? Till death do us part.

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We have terriers and border collies. The terriers stay with me for life as so does most of the collies. The collies are for my husband who is a farm manager.We dont often breed our own collies but sometimes we do and some dogs turn out to be non workers and if possible i will try to find the dogs that have turned out useless a pet home but if i cant find a pet home they stay forever. Few monrhs ago i was given 2 adult collies who worked but there owner could no longer look after i gave one to my dad and one to the hubby but the one my hubby got only works for women :laugh: i have always wanted my owner worker.

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Guest lurchers&terriers

I have 3 dogs now i they will be with me until death unless the future has other plans. in the past iv had to sell dogs on or give them to friends or family because of reasons out of my control.

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