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About razorruddock

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  • Location
    great Britain

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  1. Any serious lads give me a PM distance n money not a issue all u gob shites jog on find something else to do rather than be a key board warrior
  2. Hello lads I'm looking for a terrier dog or bitch no preference PM me with what you have I will talk with you more then cheers
  3. Lads I'm looking for a bitch if anyone can help PM me
  4. Looking for a 410 pistol if any one has anything available thanks
  5. That's cheap. I'll give the man a call thanks for that. did they take long?
  6. Hiya lads does any one have any contact numbers I can try I have two grey boxes and collars I want to service and repairs just as back ups. I'm located in Leeds so close by would b good
  7. Hiya people does any one know where I can get the old grey locators and collars serviced and repaired?
  8. Can you pm me your number please so I can talk with tou
  9. Hello mate know it's a long shot is the air arms still for sale?
  10. Hello lads I'm looking for abit of advice my old kennnels are past repair and I'm looking to build some new ones. I want them to look the part I need some advice on sizes and if some one can put me some pics on so I can just see a few ideas I would appreciate it
  11. Hello lads I'm looking for abit of advice my old kennnels are past repair and I'm looking to build some new ones. I want them to look the part I need some advice on sizes and if some one can put me some pics on so I can just see a few ideas I would appreciate it.
  12. Hello is he still up for a good home? What is he like with other dogs
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