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Posts posted by unlacedgecko
This is the one I was referring to, coypu.Anybody tried the method of skinning/fleshing and then just leaving for a month in a bucket of water? The soft tissue just rots off. I've played with this method because I found getting off the tendons and ligaments from the base of the skull properly a twat of a job after boiling and boiling for too long to try and soften them weakens the skull.
Im just doing similar, I hung the skull with flesh on and checked it every now and again, maggots and beetles etc got the flesh and assume the brain. But the pelt remained, so put in a bucket under a down pipe so the water didnt go too bad, all the pelt come away very easily, have dried it out now and will get the peroxide to it. Was more like 2-3 months in the bucket and a couple suspended in a tree.
Some teeth on that! Do they give the dogs much stick?
When I lived in Lincs I shot a muntjac Buck that I'm sure was at least a silver medal. I buried in a secure corner of the garden and put some paving slabs on top.Trouble is with leaving out for nature to sort it is that nature has a way for them to go missing
My then girlfriends c**t of a Labrador dug it up and chewed the antlers off...
A jasus, was no need to dump her over that incident surely. Harsh! Lol
You're kidding right? A medal head is a medal head...
Then you're doing it wrong.All I no is it would get pretty boring f***ing the same person day in day out...to spend ya life with just one person is devently not for me.
Spot on. TB25 if you are lucky enough to meet "the one" then you will change you're mind. I know it sounds soppy but it's true. Anyone who says differently just hasn't met there's yet.
And before I met my missus I was NEVER faithful, always f****d about and thought the same as you. But I wouldn't dream of it now. Been with my missus almost 5 years and it just gets better every day.
Swinging isn't for me, I've got no interest in shagging anyone else and certainly wouldn't want anyone shagging my missus.
But I think some of the comments about others who enjoy it are a bit harsh. Each to their own. It genuinely does work for some couples who both enjoy it.
Glad you got what I was getting at.
Re harsh, I'm well known for my tolerant attitudes lol.
No. But having found the right one I can't imagine sleeping with anyone else again.
Have you only only ever slept with one person?
Then you're doing it wrong.All I no is it would get pretty boring f***ing the same person day in day out...to spend ya life with just one person is devently not for me.
It was more in reference to sex with only one person getting boring.
My shepherd works a pure kelpie on sheep. Very very keen dog. Endless energy and very flashy. She will gather out the field and works the pens well, backing and using her voice. This is a training video.
Do you work your pure kelpie with sheep DC?It is Jigsaw
i've 3 of Them
A pure dog .half X Bitch.& a Reverse 3/4 Bred Dog!
You Had a bitch off Mike Allen if i remember.
I bred Mike's Half X
There is f**k all chance of getting a lurcher litter from this bitch though! Lol.
He also has cattle dogs, but they are used only for driving.
Is that his dog in the video? You can never tire them kelpies out they just keep going.
Ours dont stop barking witch is what we want especially when gathering rough ground with a lot of bracons. What do you meen by flashy? Like a stylish way of working?
Aye that's his dog in the vid. She is quiet on the gather, unless told to 'Speak up!'. Uses her voice well in the pens though. She was working today loading tack lambs.
Yeah, I think she has a real stylish way of working.
I was surprised at how small she is mind. 14-15kg. I've a huntaway X collie X kelpie and he's pushing 24kg at 7 months old.
out of interest, what is the cost of importing one of these pups likely to be?
£800-£1200 off the top of my head. Apparently the most effective way is to transfer to Canada, then Germany, then import from there.
Unless your travelling with the animal it could be logistically difficult but I'm sure it could be done if there was a will. I have a courier who could handle the Germany - UK part. I also know people who could assist with the rest. PM me if SERIOUSLY interested, but please don't waste my time with pie in the sky. At least make contact with he breeder first.
I would require some cash deposits before I make any arrangements.
All I no is it would get pretty boring f***ing the same person day in day out...to spend ya life with just one person is devently not for me.
Then you're doing it wrong.
I hear Ireland is pretty enlightened regarding terror work. What's the chance of an Englishman getting some digging around Kildare?
Terror work ?
Have you converted ?
Well, I am growing a beard/can't be arsed to shave. See you at Allen's Snack Bar
I hear Ireland is pretty enlightened regarding terror work. What's the chance of an Englishman getting some digging around Kildare?
Trouble is with leaving out for nature to sort it is that nature has a way for them to go missing
When I lived in Lincs I shot a muntjac Buck that I'm sure was at least a silver medal. I buried in a secure corner of the garden and put some paving slabs on top.
My then girlfriends c**t of a Labrador dug it up and chewed the antlers off...
My shepherd works a pure kelpie on sheep. Very very keen dog. Endless energy and very flashy. She will gather out the field and works the pens well, backing and using her voice. This is a training video.
Do you work your pure kelpie with sheep DC?It is Jigsaw
i've 3 of Them
A pure dog .half X Bitch.& a Reverse 3/4 Bred Dog!
You Had a bitch off Mike Allen if i remember.
I bred Mike's Half X
There is f**k all chance of getting a lurcher litter from this bitch though! Lol.
He also has cattle dogs, but they are used only for driving.
f***ing vile degenerates. Same as bi-sexually, homosexuals and transgenders. This category also includes people in 'open' and 'poly' relationships.
You protecting the scum Wilf.
Depends on the terrier and its opponent really doesn't it.
I don't think a terrier after a dig is the same as slinging one down the stairs umpteen times. Really!!
Aye what these wee cnuts done was prolonged, cruel and needless.
Difference is that dog would have enjoyed every minute.Personally I'm not a fan of all this "whip up a frenzy" type crap on social or national media........the RSPCA could release footage of a terrier after a particularly brutal dig and have 65,000 people saying exactly the same about any of us.
They got nicked, they got sentenced and that's enough........as I say, there would be plenty hoping anyone here got a good beating.
Sometimes it's just not right to sit on the fence.
I hope somebody kicks them up and down the street. Often!!!
And edited to say, petition NOT signed and never will be signed by me as mob justice by the masses promoted by the RSPCA is more a new Labour thing than mine.
The court and Karma dishes out what they should.......it don't need some enraged old Doris telling everyone what's what.
If you think that sort of thing is OK to do to a dog then crack on fella.
That's not how it reads to me.
Well translated mate. Must be a Celtic thing...Saw this last night ... Does he mean a kebab ?
What a great thread lol
Jesus id expect to feed the family for a month at that price.
What's a kaba?
You don't need to live in another country nor have spent time there to find something disgusting or horrendous, watching a man get his throat ripped out by a dog is horrendous no matter what the reason or were you live ffs.You lads that find this disgraceful and horrendous ... Have you spent any time in an African country ........
I dint have a problem with it.
Are the ira not terrorists?
I heard something about that sure the ira got mentioned?Did the terrorist bomb that went off in Belfast a fortnight or so ago get mentioned on the news on the mainland or the number of devices that have been found since?
Don't be silly mate, they have renounced violence and decommissioned their arms. That's why all those convicted terrorists were released early under the Good Friday agreement...
Am not going to reply to that and risk being dragged down and beaten by experience.
I'm seeing the same signs you are mate. I've spent this winter running other people's sheep on rented ground. Next year I hope to buy some cull ewes and lamb them on rented ground. I guess putting my own money into a business venture means I'm a rich stuck up farmer? And that I definitely deserve to have my stock attacked by out of control dogs, because my livelihood is less important than some c**t's 'right' to hunt over land they don't have permission on.
I work terriers and lurchers. I follow the hunt. I'd still shoot any dog I caught attacking sheep.
Lots.They may have caught him but at the end of the day he is one man in a very large ,well funded,well organised,well armed and active terrorist group and they are all prepared to die for there beliefs/religion. As bad as the atrocities were I fear there is a lot more to come. Blame the different Governments/ do gooders around the world who appease them instead of stamping down on them and have allowed them to become a legitimate threat to every Country in there sights. I often wonder how many are already over here with our open door policy on Immigration just waiting/planning an atrocitie over here !
"An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.
― Winston S. Churchill
sounds like 1 of 2 scenarios there.. he keeps hill sheep or he lives in a hot arid country like australia.... either way there would be high losses so not even close to a lowland scenario!
You aren't counting in fixed costs. You up scale and only do sheep then see if you making anything like that profit, I wager you'll struggle to just make a living.
i could make 30-40% profit on a small scale so cant see why its not feasible on a larger scale
15k in stock doesnt = 15k in profit... breeding stock are a large part of that so take out 5-7k, vets bills, water bills, feed bills also have to be paid... there will also be normal losses (sheep love dropping dead without warning) )probably only 5k of this will end up as profitAll this talk of doing this that and the other to the farmer or his property wont change the fact that 2 hounds were shot and 2 more were injured,BUT by law,dont know what the law is in GB but here if an unacompied dog-dogs are on land where livestock are present then the farmer is well within his rights to shoot said dogs,not that i agree with it just stating the fact he can do it legally.Sheep are such a stupid animal,only have to see a dog in the distance and there away running all over the shop.There was a case not far from me a couple of year back where a mates Springer+Terrier happened to get out of there pen,the chap that owned the dogs was also a farmer,anyway to cut a long story short they caused 15grand worth of damage with a neighbours sheep,ewes heavy in lamp,some died,some more ended up in a river and a lot more aborted there lambs,he had all ewes scanned before this incident so knew how many lambs he was due to end up with so afterwards when all ewes had lambed and the bill was sent it came to 15grand,mate was lucky as he was a member of a certain organization which duly paid the bill for him under his insurance.I try to steer clear of sheep while out with the dogs,i know you cant tell where a fox will take hounds,just one of those things but not all farmers turn a blind eye to it,joys of hunting.
An the cnuts say there's no money in farming
If you can make £5k profit from £15k of stock, please come and run my sheep operation!
I'm part of a discussion group. A farmer published his costs for 1500 ewes. After a year he was left with £3000.
He a lowland farmer near Exeter. The enterprise made a profit of over £40k, but £37k of that was subsidy.
Your figures don't include land rent, fallen stock disposal or labour. They will very quickly eat up your profit, not to mention machinery and fuel.
Katie hopkins is an anti??
she a anti c**t she argees with brain may about the badger cull and fox hunting, on her tv show she was having a go about people taking there children to the boxing day hunts saying if there children turn in to killer you can onlt blame the parents for taking them to watch huntsShe's still a c**t
The whore...and here's me defending her!!
It's ok, I've found this. We can all go back to loving her...
Good. Now we need to find who was steering and supported the little ****.
Don't need anything to tell you it's the Saudis...
You aren't counting in fixed costs. You up scale and only do sheep then see if you making anything like that profit, I wager you'll struggle to just make a living.
i could make 30-40% profit on a small scale so cant see why its not feasible on a larger scale
15k in stock doesnt = 15k in profit... breeding stock are a large part of that so take out 5-7k, vets bills, water bills, feed bills also have to be paid... there will also be normal losses (sheep love dropping dead without warning) )probably only 5k of this will end up as profitAll this talk of doing this that and the other to the farmer or his property wont change the fact that 2 hounds were shot and 2 more were injured,BUT by law,dont know what the law is in GB but here if an unacompied dog-dogs are on land where livestock are present then the farmer is well within his rights to shoot said dogs,not that i agree with it just stating the fact he can do it legally.Sheep are such a stupid animal,only have to see a dog in the distance and there away running all over the shop.There was a case not far from me a couple of year back where a mates Springer+Terrier happened to get out of there pen,the chap that owned the dogs was also a farmer,anyway to cut a long story short they caused 15grand worth of damage with a neighbours sheep,ewes heavy in lamp,some died,some more ended up in a river and a lot more aborted there lambs,he had all ewes scanned before this incident so knew how many lambs he was due to end up with so afterwards when all ewes had lambed and the bill was sent it came to 15grand,mate was lucky as he was a member of a certain organization which duly paid the bill for him under his insurance.I try to steer clear of sheep while out with the dogs,i know you cant tell where a fox will take hounds,just one of those things but not all farmers turn a blind eye to it,joys of hunting.
An the cnuts say there's no money in farming
If you can make £5k profit from £15k of stock, please come and run my sheep operation!
I'm part of a discussion group. A farmer published his costs for 1500 ewes. After a year he was left with £3000.
15k in stock doesnt = 15k in profit... breeding stock are a large part of that so take out 5-7k, vets bills, water bills, feed bills also have to be paid... there will also be normal losses (sheep love dropping dead without warning) )probably only 5k of this will end up as profitAll this talk of doing this that and the other to the farmer or his property wont change the fact that 2 hounds were shot and 2 more were injured,BUT by law,dont know what the law is in GB but here if an unacompied dog-dogs are on land where livestock are present then the farmer is well within his rights to shoot said dogs,not that i agree with it just stating the fact he can do it legally.Sheep are such a stupid animal,only have to see a dog in the distance and there away running all over the shop.There was a case not far from me a couple of year back where a mates Springer+Terrier happened to get out of there pen,the chap that owned the dogs was also a farmer,anyway to cut a long story short they caused 15grand worth of damage with a neighbours sheep,ewes heavy in lamp,some died,some more ended up in a river and a lot more aborted there lambs,he had all ewes scanned before this incident so knew how many lambs he was due to end up with so afterwards when all ewes had lambed and the bill was sent it came to 15grand,mate was lucky as he was a member of a certain organization which duly paid the bill for him under his insurance.I try to steer clear of sheep while out with the dogs,i know you cant tell where a fox will take hounds,just one of those things but not all farmers turn a blind eye to it,joys of hunting.
An the cnuts say there's no money in farming
If you can make £5k profit from £15k of stock, please come and run my sheep operation!
Dog On The M49 Bristol
in Lurchers & Running Dogs
Black bull X on the southbound lane of the M49. I saw it about 1845. Looked to be wearing a strong stuff collar.
I hope who ever it belongs to gets it back before it gets hit/causes an accident.